
Chapter 21: Yohan's Combat exam (Part 2)

A flash of light and the deafening boom subsided. The resulting dust slowly cleared, revealing a figure with a giant gunbai uchiwa on his shoulders. Logon laid on the floor, knocked out. The announcer was the quickest to recover.

"Winner, Yohan Uchiha!" The announcer declared. The crowd erupted in cheer and discussion, while the paramedics got on to escort the unconscious Logon.

"Wow that kid got some amazing magic." "It was so captivating despite it being so one sided." "It was just one surprise after another." "Thank goodness I'm not going up against him in any of my matches." Some of the students were thanking their lucky stars for being fortunate enough to not fight the monster.

'His weapon is amazing, I felt the lightning mana transform into wind mana and reflected. The earth magic was more like a spell, however there was chanting so it must be a unique magic of sorts' The wizard thought as he stared at Yohan's weapon. Sensing the elemental mana was easy for wizards since they were very familiar with the 5 basic elements.

"Ahem, Mr. Gregory may I see the information on this Yohan." The Wizard asked the vice principal of Advent. He still didn't believe that Yohan didn't have any affinities since he wielded elemental magic so well in both quantity and quality. The vice principal did so straight away as if it was an order instead of a request. He was also in disbelief and wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery as well.

The matches went on, the crowd cheered all the same though not as lively as before. The wizard looked over Yohan's information. He saw that Yohan's grandfathers were mages, however they died in the line of duty, their wives slowly letting grief take over neglected their health and died of sorrow just soon after Yohan's parents had Amber. Yohan's parents couldn't do anything as they refused any care they'd offer. His parents were ordinary citizens, it was quite unbelievable. The Wizard finally went over to see the absurd information of Yohan's affinity, however what he saw was a bit different to what was declared as Yohan's affinity.

'None in particular.' Though it's just an addition of two words, but that could mean the difference.

'The element affinity indicator (EAI) used must have been the general one, since all it does is say the best suited elements.' The general EAI was like a compass in a way since it would show the strongest affinity like it was a magnetic pole. However, what would happen if it were pulled equally on all sides? It will be as if the individual had no affinity at all, since even a slightly stronger 'pole' would pull it towards the strongest affinity. It was extremely unlikely that a mage would have equally strong affinities for each element. 'The school would need to use the specific EAI since that would be a better measure though they would have to do it individually.' The Wizard was lost in thought.

After the Wizard was satisfied from reading the information, he returned to watch the matches. Since he was invited he didn't see any reason why not, but now he was happy with his decision since he gets to witness such promising talents.

"Futter Charakter, age 12, affinity: fire against Klara Price, age 11, affinity:...None..." 'Another applicant with no affinities?' Everyone watched closer, expecting another good match. A human boy with dark shade of red hair and a short sword stood facing a human girl with black hair with extremely ordinary features who was unarmed.

"The match will commence in 3...2...1... Begin!" In an instant Futter started conjuring fire with his off hand and aimed it towards Klara. However she did the same, moreover her flames was more frightening than Futter's spark of a fire. She then fired off some wind magic which enhanced her fire magic.

"Magic combination!" The Wizard amazed as watched her flames become a large scorching fire, first it was Yohan now it was this girl, he realized they were just 11 years of age so they could reach higher heights. Futter's flame was just like fuel to the fire and it shot towards him, which he tried to move out the way but, still took a lot of damage, his face was pale and his breath ragged.

However, he was rooted in place when one of his foot was entrapped by earth. Suddenly he heard the popping sound of lightning behind him. He got knocked back a couple of meters and struggled to get on his knees, but he felt a cool sensation overwhelm him. It was water magic but, to him it felt like a torrent as he was forced back into the ground and knocked out. Everyone clapped and cheered, evidently extremely impressed by her display of her elements. The match ended in under a minute.

'Hmmm, pseudo scorch release? Although it combined both fire and wind, she needed to conjure both separately so maybe she can't control both elements before the flames got out of her control' Yohan was surprised and his fighting spirit was ignited. After a few or so matches it was Yohan's turn again.

"Yohan Uchiha, age 11, affinity: none against Snow Lupus, age 11, affinity: Water and Wind." The announcer once again introduced the applicants. Yohan stood facing an inexpressive white haired and furred wolf-girl with an elaborately designed scythe, it was slightly less absurd in size to Yohan's war fan.

"The match will commence in 3...2...1... begin!" Immediately Snow didn't dare stay passive and took the initiative. Her previous match was very casual, she only needed wind magic. However that was useless against this abnormality.

"Heh, let's see how you deal with this." Yohan let out a mischievous smile, he felt like showing off a bit after seeing Klara. '[Wind Release: Vacuum bullets jutsu]' Yohan performed a few hand seals.

'I-Is that a spell? How come there is no chant?!' The wizard can feel the congregation of mana and was a bit alarmed since it was quite powerful even by his standards. Yohan then spat out literal bullets leaving slight dents in the ground it hit. A couple of bullets hit Snow. She felt a bit of numbness. Yohan had dialed down the techniques destructiveness, but it still showed notable power.

'Wind magic? It is more like a spell!' The Wizard, V.P and Snow were shocked by Yohan's jutsu. Snow used water to help her advance like she was water skiing, sometimes dodging and being struck but still continued on.

"Amazing application of her element!" V.P Gregory praised. Snow got within 3 meters (9.84 ft) and and started conjuring water to sweep his feet. Yohan stood there unfazed before finally deciding to charge at his opponent.

Clang after clang of metallic noises rang out, the children fought extremely well amazing all the adults. Snow sliced upwards with her scythe but Yohan just knocked it to the side while advancing towards her. She let go of her weapon and a light blue light covered her hands while retreating. Yohan was about to strike her, but his foot got snagged on something stopping him. He looked down to see cold crystal blue ice covering his foot encroaching further up his heel about to reach a third of his calves.

'Ice magic?!' Yohan was surpirsed. He hit it with his gunbai, absorbing the mana and shattering it. He saw a bright blue frost making his way towards him and dodged backwards.

"Secondary Element!?" The Wizard was shocked once more. Even the crowd was in an uproar at the appearance of a new element. While basic elements refers to the primary elements, earth, wind, fire, water, lightning, secondary element refers to the combinations of elements to make another more powerful element, like the elemental kekkei genkai.

Yohan looked at the frost as it begun to expand. Snow walked up to her dropped weapon and picked it up swinging it a bit.

"I admit, you are worthy of me using this magic of mine. Now, lose for me." Snow with her still cold and inexpressive face, pointed her scythe at her foe.

"In your dreams. I'm having so much fun!" Yohan had a bigger grin on his face, it was a stunningly innocent and pure smile of enjoyment. Snow felt a slight flutter in her heart.

'Fun?!' She was a bit indignant at how he treated their match. However, she was a bit scared now since this was just him being so casual. 'What if he were to take this seriously?'

'Well I feel like I'm cheating a bit but, whatever I'll just call it strategy.' Yohan proceeded to form hand seals while dodging Snow's ice magic and relentless swings of her scythe. '[Fire Release: Fireball jutsu]'. Yohan pursed his lips while his cheeks puffed.

'Is this another spell?' The wizard thought seeing the mana gather again. Yohan opened his mouth and fire expelled like it was dragon's breath flooded out melting and warming the once cold area by several degrees. 'Fire as well, seems just as powerful as an experienced C-rank mage's magic.' Of course, this was all since Yohan held back.

Snow still looked inexpressive, but she was panicking inside. She didn't expect her opponent to have such a wide range and powerful arsenal. She was now on the defense, helplessly trying to fend off Yohan's fireball jutsu. Yohan once more drew near to her and swung down his pointlessly large war fan. Snow, no longer able to keep up fell to her knees.

"I admit defeat!" Snow was on the brink of collapse, the scythe being the only support which prevented it. Yohan drew near to his opponent.

"That was an awesome match!" Yohan extended his hand. "You are really good! Let's spar some more when we become elite students!" Yohan said as smiled like the foolishly cheeky kid he was. The crowd cheered for his show of sportsmanship.

"Sure!" Snow took his hand and stood up, her heart fluttering a bit more and her tired and inexpressive face now having a slightly rosy luster.

Hope you guy's enjoyed this chapter. Also wow, 400k+ views and now just seeing 2019 collections (nice!) I am so humbled by all of you who have shown active support.

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