
Chapter 40 - Ingredient

"Dalton, I have returned."

Dalton already noticed Bob when he healed Hassan. However, he expected Bob to be gone for some time.

"I can see that, did you find what you wanted?"

Bob scratched his cheek.

"No, not quite. I came to ask you a question regarding devil fruits and Zoan devil fruits."

"What is it?"

"First, how does one transform into their human beast form? Second, how does one turn into their full beast form?"

"Those are easy to answer, you just feel the beast inside of you when you want to transform. For the second one you just have to release the beast, does that make sense?"

"Nope. What do you mean release the beast?"

"Exactly how it sounds. When you want to transform into said creature you have to release them from their vessel and become them. That's how you fully transform.

The first one you are just bringing forth their power."

Dalton explained.

"Why do you ask so much about devil fruits? Did you obtain one?"

"Something like that."

"I have to say, you're an intriguing man Faceless."

Bob laughed.

"Is that a compliment?"

Bob asked.

"It is."

"Oh, then please continue with more."

Dalton shook his head and turned his attention to the other members of Bob's crew.

"You should heal the rest of them, i'm sure that their bodies are sore. I have to say, i'm starting to think i'm taking the short end of the stick here when I agreed to spar with them."

"But you're enjoying it, I can tell."

"That I am. I haven't fought with others in a while, I forgot how fun it could be to test our skills against each other. A pity your friends here aren't on my level yet."

"I'm sure they'll get there eventually. Who knows, by the end of our time here at this island, they might beat you."

Dalton snorted.

"We shall see."

Bob continued to chat with Dalton for a bit while he healed everyone up. The healing output was much stronger than before, Bob wondered if the movement speed on the skill increased as well.

He knew it increased every time he obtained any movement speed bonus' but now that he had a devil fruit, he should test the effects on himself.

"You know Faceless, that ability of yours is strange. I've never seen anything like it. Is it a devil fruit ability?"

"No, it's just an ability I have."

"You're becoming more and more mysterious."

Bob laughed and walked away.

There was nothing that could stop him from reaching his destination now.

"Cocoa Weed Village, here I come!"

Bob shouted.

Everyone looked in his direction, but did not say a word.

Bob started running towards the village and decided to use Grand Blessing on himself. Turns out, it wasn't only the healing that increased, the bonus on his movement speed also increased.

It wasn't by a small margin either, it was by a lot.

Bob felt like everytime he took a step forward, his surroundings constantly changed. Before he knew it, he was already at Cocoa Weed Village.

Bob spotted an old lady with a purple and red outfit on. Her long gray hair fluttered with the wind, and by the way she was dressed Bob knew she didn't mind the cold.

Bob knew this was Kureha, a highly skilled doctor. Some people on Drum Island even call her the witch.

Bob could see that she was talking with some folks from the village, but what he happened to notice was the little person next to her.

Wasn't a person, but more like a reindeer. There he was, that cute reindeer.

Chopper was covering his body up so others wouldn't see his appearance.

Bob walked over to their group to see what they were discussing.

"I'm telling you, it can't be done."

A man much younger than Kureha spoke up.

"I'm telling you, it can! I'm just missing one key ingredient, as long as you get it I can easily cure your father and mother."

Kureha responded.

"What ingredient?"

Bob asked as he came forward.

He liked Kureha's personality, so it wouldn't be too much trouble to help her out. Bob would love to recruit her to teach his subordinates her medical skills. However, she was a bit hard to deal with.

Kureha and the man looked at Bob.

"Who are you and why are you wearing that mask?"

Kureha asked.

"You can call me Faceless."

"That's a du... nevermind. What do you care about the ingredient for?"

Kureha asked Bob.

"I don't, but I was hoping I could get what you need and you could help me out. I'm looking to buy a propery here on this island, but I can't find anyone to sell me one. How about get the ingredient you're looking for, and you find me a building to buy?"

Bob suggested.

Kureha looked at the man in front of her.

"Your call, it's your father and mother we are talking about."

The man looked at Bob and nodded his head.

"If you're willing, then i'll take you up on your offer. I must tell you, the item she wants is surrounded by wild beast. A large pack of wolves are surrounding the cave, its impossible for a person to enter."

"Just tell me where, and what am I looking for."

"It's to the east of here, there's a cave deep in the forest. In front of the cave you'll see bushes covered with snow, go in and you'll see the ice mina lily flower. Bring it to me, and I can finish the cure his parents need."
