
Chapter 14: Monday Night and Tuesday Morning

Last time, I found out Hadrien Le Roux is my father. It hurt me in more ways than one. After I got inside the house, I ate my dinner and locked myself in my room for the rest of the night.

Gaby unlock your door,  I know you are angry but I have my reasons. Ghita replied.  Mom, why did we really move back here? I asked. We moved here because I wanted you to see where you were born and I got an opportunity to work at the Louvre. Ghita replied. Oh, I thought that you did this to get vengeance towards him. I replied. Ghita walked into my room and sat on the bed. I bet you think you I came here to ruin your father's career in many ways in one? Ghita asked. Well yeah, that is what I thought it was. I replied. I could have ruined his life but I have a little of heart, Gaby. Ghita replied. I know that mom. I smell a Tiramisu. I replied. I figured this would cheer you up. I felt something bad was about to happen to you. Ghita replied. Well mom you know me better than anyone else. I replied. As she was talking to me, I sat up and ate the Tiramisu and I felt better all of a sudden. I took a shower after that and fell asleep.

When Tuesday morning came, my mom shook me up. Wake up Gaby! Ghita yelled. Mom I am up.  I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then put on my uniform and shoes on. When I walked downstairs Charlotte was waiting for me. Hey Charlotte, how are you? I asked. You know yesterday wasn't planned to happen like that. I didn't know you were Don Juan's other child he kept a secret. Charlotte replied. My mom walked down the stairs laughing. So they still call him that huh? Ghita asked. Wait you know why they call him Don Juan? Charlotte asked. Yes, after all, I called him that because he cheated on me, damn womanizer. Ghita replied. I mean you are right about that. Also, Destin felt bad about yesterday's events so he bought you these earlier this morning. Charlotte replied. What are they? I asked. You ladies really should discuss this later. You will miss the bus to school. Ghita replied. You are right. I replied. We ran out of the house and on to the bus. We got on the bus in one piece. Charlotte replied. You are right about that. I replied. We sat down and the bus came to an erupt stop. Who could be stopping the bus? I thought. Oh my gosh, that Asce Le Roux? Claire asked. Charlotte looked out the window. Why is he coming on here out of all times of the day? Charlotte asked. Hey, do you know that guy, Charlotte? I asked. Remember the whole sleeping with two friends at the same time. He is Aline's son with your Don Juan of a father. Charlotte replied. Hey Charlotte, what are you doing on the bus couldn't have mmmm. Asce replied. Hey, come on Asce come and sit in front of us. Charlotte replied. Alright. Asce replied. Oh, you walked off before I got to introduce myself, I am Asce Le Roux and it's nice to meet you. Asce replied. Well I am Gabriella Pereira and you can call me Gaby if you like. I replied. Sure nice to meet you, Gaby. Asce replied. Hey, why didn't you have Deline take you anywhere other than public transportation? We are going to be later than ever before. Charlotte replied. Chill redhead, my father thought I should go to public school and be around people and I also want to meet my sister. I feel bad about how my dad treated her and her mother. Asce replied.

After that incident of the famous guy taking the bus, things started going crazier ever since.

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