The seasons are your typical group of friends, always hangin out and having fun.
Now it's time for you to actually meet them,, hence, the Seasons
First up, spring
Spring is very energetic, and wears all The colorful clothes she can find. You'd see her running around, planting trees or watching animals being born. It's her hobby to plant. She has this warm type of feeling to her, which makes everyone like her.
Second, summer
Summer is more mature than spring, spring is summers little sister, which would make sense why he's so much mature. He wears decent clothing. Just shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. He is very handsome, which makes him very attractive to women. Yet he is gay as hell.
Third, autumn
Autumn is that one guy that is very cold to strangers or people he doesn't know well, but as he gets to know you he becomes soft to you. And accepts you. He likes to wear a light jacket, with a fluffy hoody and pants. No one really likes him, because of the way he keeps his distance from people. He does have one good friend though and that is winter.
And finally, winter
Winter is an emo girl who likes to keep away from big crowds of people. She only hangs around autumn and spring, who are her closest friends. Though sometimes, spring gets on her nerves with her energetic personality. She likes to wear HEAVY clothing. Like boots, a heavy; very heavy jacket, and TWO pairs of jeans. And it doesn't matter which season it is, she's ALWAYS cold. Some people are jealous of her because she has two parts of the year with her part, so, she gets bullied. And this is one of the reasons autumn is so special to her, when she is being bullied he steps in and scares them off, because autumn is very tall and can be very masculine at times. She is not scared of him though. Because she knows he'll always be there for her.
But now that you've met them, let's see what's going on in their lives!
"But why can't you go?!" Spring exclaimed, "y-you know I don't like being around a lot of people spring." Winter says shyly, trying to defend herself. "I hope autumn gets here soon.." she thought to herself. "Awww c'mon winter, stop being a party pooper!" Spring crosses her arms and pouts. Autumn finally gets there, pulling into springs drive way. "Hey ladies." He greets them, as he steps out of his car, not even ten seconds later winter is pouncing onto him. "What the hell winter?" He says in confusion. "help meeee!" She cried, "I just want her to come to a party with me! Is that so hard to ask for?" Spring says annoyed. "It is, for her." Autumn gestures to winter, who is still hugging him like a lost baby. "You should probably back off a bit Spring." Spring was about to open her mouth, but then her phone rang. "It's summer." She answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Hey," He says. "Hi big bro!" She greets him back. "Are you coming to the party? Can you bring your friends?" He asked un ironically. "Well, I'm trying to get them to come but—" she looks up to see autumn and winter driving out of the driveway. "FUCK!"