

Deep inside a strange forest full of trees with yellow leaves something caused the animals to stirred. What strange was that despite all their leaves were yellow the trees was full of vigor. Usually the animals here were always live peacefully because the forest was full of life. But right now they were all anxious, rather than walking around normally they were all hiding while observing a place near a river.

Near a river, there was a young man currently laying unconscious there. This was what caused the commotion for the animals. This forest had a strange aura in it that repel humans or monsters to come to this forest, they would instinctively try to avoid being near the forest. Some people even tried to used far sight magics or tools to observe the inside from afar but for a reason unknown it was pure dark and they couldn't see anything.

That didn't mean they can't enter the forest though, there was once a man that ignored his instinct and forced his way to go inside the forest but once he's a step away from entering he felt nauseous and passed out and also for some reason, when he woke up he's already far outside the forest it was as if his mind rejected the forest very much that he walked away on his own even while he's unconscious.

Because of this there's never been someone that's able to went inside and decided to leave this forest alone. It's only natural for the animals here that never known humans to feel wary and curious for the being they saw laying there.

Sometime later the eyes of the young man twitched and he started to open his eyes, revealing his pure black his wide open in confusion. It seems he's trying to recall how he got here and once he organized his head he raised his body and looked for his surroundings.

"What a strange forest, despite the trees all have yellow leaves they were all full of energy. Well setting that aside it seems I'm finally here huh, a different world. What about my wish?"

The young man, Sugimura Haruto was reborn in a new world. And now he noticed the river beside him to take a look of his appearance. The surface was clear because the water was very pure so his appearance was reflected there. Of course since he didn't know anything about the forest he didn't realize that he's actually staying inside the forest that no one had ever stepped in before.

What appeared was a young man with short black hair and pale complexion. He had a well-built body and pure black eyes. He wore a black tunic and pants with an orange shirt inside and a blue obi tied over it at his waist. He also wore white gloves and boots on his hands and feet.

(AN: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/b/be/Vegito_ResF_style.png/revision/latest?cb=20181201231550 this is his current attire.)

"Hehe I really take on Vegito's outfit in Prison Planet Saga, it looks very cool after all." Haruto was satisfied with his appearance and then he started to feel around his body to check about the traits he inherited from Goku.

'....Just like the goddess said I feel like I'm able to do everything Goku could do it's a very strange feeling as if the knowledge was planted deep inside my mind but I didn't know how I learnt about all of those.

I can use techniques like sensing energy, Instant Transmission or Kamehameha. I can even transform if i wanted to but it is also like the goddess said I can only transform to a Super Saiyan. My access for other levels up to Super Saiyan Blue was blocked by a strange force like locks inside my body.

I guess I can understand why she limits my transformation though, my current body is very weak and cannot handle advance level transformation without a backlash, I need to get stronger first and the locks should automatically disappear one by one. Right now I don't even possess one percent of Goku's power at the end of DBS, I still have a long way to go.'

After confirming what he's capable of Haruto decided to explore the place, if possible he needed to reach a nearby town before dusk since he didn't want to spend the night outside. About money he could defeat some monsters on the way and sold the materials for some cash to rent an inn.

'Oh yeah the goddess also said that I need to go to her altar inside a church after woke up.' He remembered what the goddess promised of giving him a free companion without a crystal for the first time. He decided to search for the church once he found a town though he's not sure if every town would have their own church or not but since the goddess said so then it must be there in nearby town since she's the one that placed him here.

Walking around the forest he's amazed that it was full of resources and lives it's basically a paradise for animals and plants, he picked some fruits and ate them while keeping some in case he grew hungry on the way. Strangely he did not eat that much considering he's a Saiyan now. Perhaps this was also the goddess doing and he was thankful about it because being a glutton was a burden in itself. That didn't mean he couldn't eat many though, it just that it's not necessary.

Using an energy blade he made a jug made from wood to kept some water.

He's actually capable of just doing an Instant Transmission to a nearby town by sensing other people's energy but he couldn't spook off the other party by suddenly appearing there. Instant Transmission required him to moved instantly to other people through sensing their energy so it's impossible to appeared on a desolate place. Using flight was not good either, he didn't know whether flying was a common thing here or not he couldn't risk drawing much attention by carelessly flying and seen by someone. He's still lacking a lot of information.

Sensing other people's energy prevented him to get lost and he immediately knew the direction to a nearby town, along with some monsters on the way. He was happy that he did not make a wrong choice choosing to inherited all Goku's skills, they were all very useful with boundless potential.

By making his way to the west he found the exit of the forest and once outside he was greeted by a massive green plains. This kind of scenery was impossible to be found on modern earth so he's very impressed by the view here and wait the forest he's been just now was the same too! It was unrealistic even compare to this green plains.

After walking for a while he detected a few hostile presences in front of him. The presences were hiding inside the bushes as if waiting for him to come nearby. Grinning, he approached them fearlessly.

What came out from the bushes were wolves, 5 of them they had red fur and their fangs were drooling with salivas looking at Haruto as if he was a tasty prey.

'Hmm, I wanted to know whether it was true my mentality was altered or not, according the goddess I should inherit Goku's mentality as a veteran fighter right? Because of that I shouldn't be afraid or nervous on fighting...' He pondered. He also thought this to be a perfect opportunity to test his skills since their energy were insignificant to which he could crush them with only a finger.

The wolves seeing his calmness were furious and jumped at him, trying to rip his body using their paws but they were too slow and Haruto easily avoided them by minimal movement. He kept avoiding and evading their attacks to get used to his new capabilities. For about 15 minutes the wolves were attacking him madly but they never been able to hit him and started to feel fatigued.

"What? Done already? This can't even count as a warm up." He was very disappointed as he still haven't grasp his capabilities just yet so he decided to finish them since they couldn't serve as his testing partner.

Haruto disappeared from the wolves sight and appeared behind the middle wolf and grabbed it's neck. Without hesitation he crushed it's neck like a tofu. The other wolves lashed at him but he thrust his fingers on their heads and they pierced through without resistance at all.

Even though he just killed the wolves he did not feel anything. He's not feeling nervous or afraid at all. In fact he felt that was boring and uninteresting. This again proved his mentality is really being affected. He sighed in relief as his biggest worry was gone.

One thing that he liked about Goku that shared the same view as him was that he did not considered himself as a hero or anything, as long as there are somebody that tried to hurt someone important to him then he won't show any mercy. Of course he would also protected himself but depending on the situation if the opponent did not endangered his surroundings or they decided to repent, he may considered having a mercy on them, he did not want to be a blind killing machine since he had his own principle.

Some time later he finally saw a town in a distance. Thankfully he managed to arrive while it's still bright. Though he could sense the distance and the direction from the people's energy he couldn't sense the terrains after all, depending on the road he may had to went around the route rather than going with a straight line without obstacle and consuming much time. And along the way he also encountered more wolves and giant snakes about 10 meters long but Haruto gladly collected additional earnings.

When he went near the entrance gate some people were queueing there for what looked like an inspection. Just by seeing the town and the inside from afar Haruto knew that it was indeed a medieval town, he liked this theme very much rather than futuristic cyberpunk style so he's kinda selective when watching or reading a sci-fi story...

"Alright let's get going, this will be my first town in this world." Haruto smiled and walked forward to line up just like the other people.

Next chapter