

"Hey, Nat. Let's go inside ok? I'll make you something yummy. " Nat nodded. "Fine, but I want it now! Don't make any excuses!"

Oliver smiled to himself. His little sister always managed to boss him around. He just couldn't stand to see her upset.

He entered the house and walked down a white hallway. He stopped at a particular metal door and pressed his thumb into the small pad embedded into the wall. The pad beeped and the door slid open.

Oliver's room was bare white. He had a minimalistic metal table and chair and a small bed situated in the far corner. There was a single bay window allowing him to see the road in front of the house, and a small nightstand beside his bed.

The ceiling was bare apart from two circular lights. Oliver tapped a certain part of his watch and the bay window dimmed. Oliver could see out but anyone outside couldn't see in.

He tapped the bare wall beside his bed, opposite the bay window, and the wall opened.

A closet containing his necessary clothing options was revealed. Oliver grabbed the recreational wear and took off his uniform. All students at Maxwell were required to wear the drab grey outfit.

The door to his bedroom abruptly opened and Nat stormed in.

"Hurry up! I'm not going to wait all day you know!" Oliver attempted to placate the girl while quickly pulling on the t-shirt. "Ok, Ok. Wait in the dining room for me, will you? I haven't dressed yet." She snorted in impatience and left the room.

Oliver quickly dressed and made his way to the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and pulled out an array of ingredients. His options were limited to the weekly rations but he successfully cooked some carrot soba noodles.

Oliver sat the meal down by Nat and let her devour her portion. As soon as he sat down to eat his fill he was interrupted by a shrill ringing sound. Oliver recognized the sound even though they rarely received mail.

He ran to the front door and quickly opened a small metal cubicle attached to the wall next to the door. Inside he found a letter addressed to him. He tore open the envelope and read the contents of the mail.

Next chapter