
Ran Out of Underwear

She tapped a finger against her chin. "This is how it is going to work from now. I will give you a command and you follow it. Simple."

He arched his brow in curiosity. 

"No speaking," she warned. He surprised her by keeping silent. "There are two rules." She ground down on his lap. "I give you what I want. You love it and accept it without question."

His eyes blazed. From the firm length poking her, she was sure he really liked this situation. 

Her eyes ran over his body as though it was her own possession. 

"Take off your shirt," she commanded just before releasing his hands.

He leaned forward and paused for a moment. Then, he reached down to his waist and grabbed the hem of his shirt, and raised it above his head, tossing it behind her. 

"Good boy," she praised. 

"Oh, is that what you want?" The challenge sparked something fear in her. 
