

Scar Face was not happy.

Why did this woman look so distracted?

She kept going from one emotion to another, from fear, then to something else, followed by shock or surprise, and now, she actually looked … happy?

Was she insane? Or just a masochist?

Whatever it was, he didn't like the fact that she was not paying any attention to him!

With that, he decided.

He'll just drag her to the alleyway and f*ck her doggy style to teach her a lesson. She was here just to please him, and not to show him any sass.

His itch was getting unbearable anyway.

"Since you look all happy and eager, let's not wait any longer now, shall we?" he said with a grin, knowing full well that was not why she looked pleased for some reason.

He pulled her close to him, basically plastering himself on her so that he could feel every soft part of her while his free hand grabbed her ass.

Seeing her snap out of whatever thoughts she had, and have it be replaced with fear, and a little bit of disgust, was satisfying indeed.

He was going to enjoy this.

"I will make your scream my name," he said in her ear, "Well, maybe not, but screaming you will be."

Scar Face looked at his men who were watching enviously, "Why are you still here?! Didn't I tell you to start? Have you told them we'll be collecting tomorrow?"

The guys tsked inwardly, and left reluctantly.

Why should the Boss be able to have fun while they had to work?

Maybe they should find someone to have fun with tonight as well. As they turned to do their job that they were here for, they could hear the loud sound of a motorcycle in the distance.

From the sound, they could tell that the person was speeding, and by instinct (and perhaps curiosity), all heads turned to face where the sound was coming from.

Naturally, it was a motorcycle. The rider was wearing a full-face helmet, so one couldn't see anything at all through the darkened visor.

The speed was beyond their comprehension, though, as it wasn't even a few seconds and the rider was already near?! Who could be riding it so recklessly? What motorcycle could go that fast?!

To their horror, they watched in morbid fascination as the rider turned the motorcycle at a sudden angle towards them, lowering it to the point that it nearly touched the ground.

Before their mind could process what was happening, the motorcycle was skidding towards them while the rider seemed to be riding on its side like it was a surfing board. He launched himself off the motorcycle, his arm flinging out towards where Lily was.

The motorcycle continued on its destructive path and it hit the men standing there like frozen statutes and they fell like bowling pins. Meanwhile, the guy holding onto Lily felt intense pain in his arms and he let go of Lily in reflex.

Lily could not see what had been happening as it all happened behind her.

All she knew was that the brute suddenly let her go and so, she pushed him away while clutching her chest that was in pain. Suddenly, a figure was in front of her, blocking her from the brute in front of her.

Even though she could only see his straight back, she knew who it was immediately.

But …

There was something completely different from the Zero she knew.

There seemed to be this intense aura radiating from him. His tense shoulders, the way he seemed to be holding back for something. Lily watched as he took off the helmet, smash it at the brute's head and then turn to her, his eyes full of worry.

"I'm sorry I'm late," he said tersely.

When he got the call, he had been puzzled at first for there was silence. Until he heard a guy's voice followed by Lily's shout. Without wasting another second, he mobilised the team.

He went straight for his motorcycle the moment he sent out the order. He was already sitting on it when the information he demanded got sent to his helmet and motorcycle. Lily's location was locked into the motorcycle's system. A small screen appeared in the inner part of the visor of the helmet, showing the live video feed of the area Lily was at.

Immediately, the first image he got was a vicious looking man grabbing Lily.

Zero's felt as if his head exploded and he saw red.

He started his motorcycle, deactivating its safety lock, releasing the true potential of his specially modified motorcycle. To allow him to utilise it to the fullest.

A top speed of 350 mph (560 km/h).

The speed helped him clear his mind … a bit.

Thus, upon reaching them, instead of killing the men outright, he only used the motorcycle to ram into the men to injure them severely. Men that he had already incapacitated with his gold-tipped needles so that they couldn't move.

He wasn't worried about damaging the motorcycle at all for its casing was special.

It may be scratched up a bit, but it wouldn't be damaged.

But even if it was, he didn't care.

His Lily had been harassed!

Smashing the head of the guy who started it all just appeased him a bit.

The arms had to go, though, so he had made sure the needles he threw when he jumped off the motorcycle would hit the spot that would destroy the nerves completely. The guy would just be feeling pain at first, then numbness before finding out much later that his hands would be practically useless.

Not able to grip anything.

Having settled the stupid guy, Zero turned his attention towards Lily. However, she had still not answered his question.

"Are you okay?" Zero asked worriedly.

She was clutching her chest, her face in a slight grimace, and Zero got upset.


Lily nodded.

Zero then reached out and started massaging her chest, intent on helping her ease the pain. Lily, on the other hand, froze as she stared at his hand and what he was doing. She then looked at him with a red face, noting how serious his expression was.

Unlike the brute who had taken advantage of her, Zero was truly caring for her. There did not seem to be any perverted thoughts in his head at all, as she could see that he was being gentle and in truth - the pain was getting less.

He was like a doctor, who would be treating his patient.

Still, it was Zero who was gently massaging that particular part of her sore body.

Lily cleared her throat, saying, "Zero, it's … it's okay … I … it's better now."

Zero appeared visibly relieved, and he smiled as he looked up at her, "That's good."

He frowned and touched her neck, seeing the red marks of fingers on her fair neck. His expression darkened again and he said softly, "Excuse me while I settle something. Please hold this for me."

Zero handed her his helmet and she took it, hugging it close to her chest. Zero then turned and surveyed the area.

The four underlings were still lying on the ground, groaning in pain, unable to move from where they lay. Their boss, in the meantime, was still in a dead faint after the hard knock on the head with the helmet.

Zero really wanted to slice them open and giving them a slow death, but Lily was here. He could not scare her like that.

So his attacks must be hidden.

He began to smile slowly.

It was a good thing he had replenished his needles earlier.

When I saw kemsey's comment in Ch.88, I thought ... dang, did she already read this chapter when she said "bulldozed"?! What sorcery is this?!


Thank you for the votes and comments.

Stay safe everyone! <3

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