

"U-Uncle... U-Uncle Tadashi?!"

Suga frowned when Jimin called Agent Y by his real name, and even addressed him as 'uncle'. So they know each other?

The man on the screen sighed as he looked more apologetic now than earlier. "I understand that you're very confused now, Jimin. Uncle is very sorry. There are many things that you do not know, but I think that it's time to reveal the secrets that has long been held from you."

In Suga's peripheral vision, he saw the younger boy lean back as if in shock. He looked so utterly confused that Suga was feeling sorry for him. Well, he should also feel sorry for himself since he was also confused with this whole shit.

"I... I don't get it... Why-..."

Y sighed again, heavier this time. Suga wanted to speak up and voice out his own questions, but he understood that this was a moment for Jimin and Y. He even felt like he shouldn't be here and just leave the two be if not for the fact that the screen was being projected from his watch.

"Before I start explaining things to you, I need you to understand that everything I'll say might sound impossible, but this is not a sick joke, Jiminie. You have to believe me, you have to trust your Uncle Tadashi, okay?"

With mouth gaped open, Jimin nodded. He still looked confused but his eyes were determined.

He's a strong kid, Suga concluded.

"Your father, my dearest best friend... Byuseok-ah. He's..." Y started, voice low.

Suga frowned. He knew about Y's life, actually, he's the only agent that knew about Y's life and real name. But he never heard of a Byuseok before. As far as he knew, Y's best friend is Z, the founder of Alpha Centauri.

"Your father, Jimin, founded a secret organization named Alpha Centauri. It was many years ago, before he even met your mother. He used to be one of the best spies working under our government, but he got fed up with all the dirty works in the government and finally left when it came to the point that the spy agents were asked to do missions that only benefit those corrupt officials, and not the country. We, together with the other agents who believe that something must be done, decided to form a secret organization independent from the government, and being the best among us, he was chosen the leader and was the one who managed and created the system of the organization. Thus, AC, Alpha Centauri, was born."

Suga blinked as he listened. Wait...

"You- You are Z's son?!" Suga exclaimed suddenly, breaking the intense atmosphere. Jimin and Y's eyes turned to him. "Yen, why didn't you tell me? Why was it not in the information you sent me? I-... Are you shitting with me?!"

"I guess I'll have to apologize to you as well," Y said, a fond smile forming in his lips in replace of his serious expression. "I know that you were really pissed off when I disturbed you in the middle of a mission, I'm very sorry for that. I didn't mention about Jimin being Z's son in the file because there's a possibility that someone was intercepting with the data and will know about Jimin. In fact, they already know about Jimin, I just don't want to affirm their theory. The existence of Z's family is wisely hidden from the organization, but things are different now. There's no one to trust anymore, S. Remember that."

"You mean...the enemy is also inside AC?"

Y nodded gravely.

Jimin spoke up. "W-wait! I don't understand a thing! So dad is like a cool spy who's the leader of an organization? What's about this organization? Why am I in danger? What's with the enemy being inside...AC? Does this... Does this have something to do with why...dad died?"

"Let's take it slow, Jiminie. I'll answer all your questions, but for now, listen to my explanation. We need to take this step by step. Everything might be too much for you."


With his mind filled with confusion, Jimin nodded slowly, then his Uncle Tadashi continued his interrupted narration. "To keep you and your mom safe, he chose to keep it a secret from the two of you. The less you know, the better. It went on like that without any problem. Your father is the smartest person I know, Jimin. It was not an easy feat but he was able to play the role of a good father while also managing a secret organization. You should be proud of him, Park Jimin."

The young boy, despite feeling so confused and unsure, found himself smiling. He had always been proud of his dad, now though, his heart felt like it would burst at how proud he was. If only he knew. He did feel the need to sulk for being blinded from all of this. His mind was nagging him, asking if he really knew his father all this time and if there were still a lot of other secrets that was hidden from him.

Jimin did not know what to think anymore.

But, as he remembered his dad's smile, very similar to his, and the sweet words he always whispered to him whenever he'd have a nightmare, Jimin couldn't help but miss him, and just...understand him. It's been five years since his father died and it had been miserable. In the end, he only wanted to protect him, to protect them.

It's not easy to take this all in but if this was what it takes to give back to his dad that never failed to love him, then he'd accept it with all his heart.

"I am. I am very proud of him."

His Uncle Tadashi's gaze softened, a small smile stretching his lips. "I know."

"All of this is too... I don't really know what to describe it. But we're here now, so what else is there to know? Shoot! I think I'm now prepared for more surprises," Jimin stated, feeling a bit silly with his words.

Tadashi laughed and Suga snorted.

"That's my boy," his Uncle Tadashi said. "Well, you see, Alpha Centauri is not just any organization. It's the organization. All the governments in the world knew about us and trusted us. We only accept missions that are in line with our moral. Sometimes they ask us for help, other times, we are the ones who create our own mission if we see the need to intervene in certain situations. Your dad, Agent Z is the one in charge of everything, the Chief. I am, as you have found out, Agent Y, your father's left hand. Agent X, the third in rank, is the one in charge with recruiting and managing agents."

Jimin blinked.

He was trying hard to keep it all together.

"Being a known organization amongst the security departments of many governments, AC had somehow became a backup plan for them, a last resort in case of emergency. And so..." There was silence for awhile before the older man continued. "What I'm about to tell you is highly confidential. I trust you, Jiminie, but you have to understand that this should not be told to anyone."

Jimin nodded, feeling his heart beat wildly in thrill.

"Alpha Centauri, your father in particular, holds a chip called Data. This Data contains all of the confidential information of the major governments in the world. It's like a back-up data in case something happened to their leader or to their country. When I say all, I meant all. From the secret passcodes to control over missiles, it contains everything, Jimin. In short, whoever holds it, holds the monopoly of the world. Whoever has it, has control of all power in the world."

Hearing this made Jimin's breathing hitch. His dad owned something that crucial? He did not know if he should be awed and amazed or if he should be worried and disturbed because shit, this thing is no joke.

"So...this is why he died, isn't it?" the question left Jimin's mouth instantly, knowing the answer even before he could ask.

Tadashi nodded solemnly, eyes averting away from Jimin's as if looking at the son of his best friend was too much for him. "This world is full of greedy people, Jimin. So greedy that they'd do anything. Someone killed your dad because they wanted to get the Data, and that killer is inside Alpha Centauri. I knew that because when your dad died, his hand was pointed to his AC Watch that was mysteriously unbound from his wrist. And when I turned it on, the only thing written on the screen is Data."

"I did not even know the real reason why dad died..." he found himself whispering.

"You were told that he was hit by a car. I'm very sorry for that. I needed to keep you away from Alpha Centauri as much as I can. Your life is in danger ever since your dad died because these people who wanted the Data are looking for anything that connects to your dad, and since your mom died long ago, right now, you are the biggest connection to Z, Jimin. Nobody knows where the Data is, even me. But just like them, I also greatly suspect that the clue to where the Data is has something to do with you. The Data is the most important possession in the world, and your dad's greatest possession is you."

This made Jimin frown. "But I don't even have any idea about this Data thing."

Nodding, his Uncle Tadashi smiled at him. "I know, but they don't, so they would try to get hold of you no matter what. S would protect you so you don't have to worry. For now, until I uncover who is the traitor in AC, you'll need to stay with S. Don't worry about your school and other stuff, I've got that covered."

The young boy felt something really unpleasant coiling in his stomach. Everything was going to change. Big time. He honestly wanted to puke as he thought of the sudden turn of events and how he would need to adjust to so many things from now on.

In just split second, his freedom was gone. He couldn't see his best friends anymore, couldn't go to school anymore, couldn't join dance competitions anymore, couldn't even go out to buy chips anymore. His life was at risk.

His mind was hazy and he refused to think. This all felt like a dream.

A bad dream.

"If you have any more questions, just ask S. S, I want you to realize that despite this seeming like babysitting for you and less exciting than your other missions, this is probably the most crucial mission you'll ever have. Your enemy here is not just any enemy, it's Alpha Centauri itself. Whatever you have, they also do. Your only advantage now is that you are the best there is. The mission is to protect Jimin at all costs. You're the only one I trust in this, son."

Suga nodded, his face serious. "Do you have any suspicion on who is the bad guy?"

"I don't... The enemy is too shady. I've been trying to crack this whole shit up the last five years and I still couldn't point who among the other agents is the traitor. The distribution of mission continues, but I don't trust anyone with the most crucial ones anymore. It's either I do them, or I give it to you, or... to P and H. You like them, don't you? You're so hard to please that I'm pretty sure if you're friends with someone, they are trustworthy enough."

This made Suga smile, which was the first for Jimin. The man could actually smile.

"I'm pretty sure they're not. I'm too good at reading people's personalities."

"I know that and I trust you."

"Jiminie," Tadashi called on him again, turning his eyes at him. "I know this is all too much but I also know that you are smart enough to understand. Be safe and don't do impulsive decisions."

"Yes, uncle. Thank you... Thank you so much."

And with one last smile that made Jimin's heart constrict, the screen went black.

Silence engulfed both of them as they stared at the black screen, both boys seeming to not know what to do. Suga sighed after a few moments and clicked something on the holographic screen that made it shrink into its normal size.

As the boy prodded his watch in a complicated way that Jimin did not understand, the younger boy chose to observe his every movement.

His mind was still not properly working and everything still felt like a nightmare, but Jimin knew one thing, every single thing that this boy beside him was doing was very fascinating. His quick movements, shocking gadgets, sly eyes, brave demeanor, cunning smirk, deep voice, intense stare, nice lips, hot body...

Okay, that was going to the wrong direction.

"What?" a low voice spoke.

Jimin blinked, then he realized that Yoongi was now staring at him with a scowl.


"You're staring. That's rude."

This made the younger boy indignant. "W-what the... It's not like you're not rude as well," he retorted, glaring at the boy who thankfully was not after his healthy internal organs.

"Give me a specific example then on when I've been rude after all that shit I've been through just to handle you nicely. You were so stubborn I almost had my gun pointed at your head," Suga said with a glare of his own, challenging Jimin.

Well, Jimin would not back down.

He did remember something in particular.

"That time when my towel dropped, you did that on purpose, didn't you? You knew I was struggling and the towel was already loose but you still tackled me."

"The towel was your fault, dumbass."

"You still ogled me though. I saw where your eyes went, hyung!"

"Blame your parents for having a nice dick, not me. It's their genes, not mine."

Jimin thought this through. He did have a point. "True, though..." Then something clicked in his mind. "S-so you mean that I have a nice dick?"

Suga shrugged, then he smirked. "Nah, it's fine. The usual. Average."


Well, that there, was the epitome of rudeness. Nobody dared mess with Jimin's dick.

"I will fight you," he said with the toughest glare he could muster.

Instead of having an effect, this only made the older boy smirk even more as he moved closer, his face now only inches away from Jimin's. He flicked the younger's forehead. "Can you?"


He snorted. "You look too cute while glaring," he rudely interrupted, pushing Jimin using a hand on the other's forehead until he was lying on the bed. "Sleep now, you need it."

"But it's still morning," Jimin whined and almost pouted. Just almost.

"You've been through a hectic day with all that had happened and all the things you found out. You look tired and stressed, you should rest."

He was right though, Jimin realized. Now that the older boy mentioned it, he suddenly felt all his nerves wearing out as if nagging at him to take a rest. He really was tired.

Slowly closing his eyes, he shifted to make his position more comfortable. "Okay..." was the last word that escaped his mouth before darkness and sleep swallowed him.

He did not even remember that he wasn't wearing any underwear. He was just so tired.

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