
Chapter 6: The Trials of a King 5/9

When Dante woke up, he was greeted by a young woman that could mistake for an angel. She had golden blonde hair, pearl white skin, and blue eyes that seemed to hold unlimited amounts of kindness. Dante immediately knew that he was looking at the Oracle King who had taken the form of Lunafreya (Luna). "It seems you have awoken my king. I welcome you to the Trial of the Oracle. As you have probably guessed I am the Oracle King but in this form, I prefer to be called Luna." Dante was surprised by the kings request but still abided it as the form it was using was in no way ugly. "Very well Luna, do you mind telling me what my Trial is?" Luna looked at Dante and gave him a smile that would put angels to shame, "To be perfectly honest there is no real trial. I will give you my powers after our time has concluded, for now I would like to get to know the Nephilim that will become the next king if that's all right." Dante gave her a nod and noticed that his head was in her lap this entire time, but she didn't seem to mind, and he would be lying if he said that it wasn't comfortable. "Sure thing, what do you want to know?" he gave her a curious look waiting for her question. "Well first what is your name, age, and reason for seeking power?" Dante thought for a minute before saying, "My name is Dante Grood, formerly Michel Grood. Age, formerly late twenties, current nine. As for my reason for seeking power, well that is because I wish to be able to protect those closest to me, whether they are friends, family, weapons, or companions, it doesn't matter. I once heard a phrase that I firmly believe in:

Stand beside me, I'll respect you;

Stand behind me, I'll protect you; but should you stand against me, then may the gods help you. Does this answer your questions?" Luna was surprised by his response but quickly recovered and displayed her gentle smile as always, "Yes that answers my questions, take my power and I hope that you will remain firm in your beliefs." When she finished Dante sat up and saw her change into a crystal trident and entered him. "I will Luna." With a content smile he laid back down as the world went white once more.


When Dante woke up this time, he noticed that he was in a dark room with only a candle lit, he was also strapped to a chair. "Well then, this was definitely not the reception I was expecting for the Trial of the Rogue. So, are you going to come out or keep me in suspense?" With a raised eyebrow he looked at a siloute that was sitting in the corner. "Hahahaha, you are definitely an interesting one. Stuck in a dark room with only a candle lit while also being strapped to a chair and you don't even flinch. I like you." When the siloute stepped out he saw a woman in her mid-twenties. She had almond-brown skin and brown eyes; her long dark-brown hair was in a braid that draped over her shoulder. It was a form that took him a minute to recognize but he remembered her as Kassandra the sister of her brother Alexios from Assassin's Creed Odyssey. "Well beautiful, panicking won't do me any good, so I also figured that these straps would be a lot tighter if they were meant to detain me. So, what is my trial? I assume that it isn't to just get out of these ropes, right?" Kassandra laughed at Dante's words but when she finally calmed down, she said, "You are right, the trial is to make it out of those constraints and then proceed to the city hall and assassinate the governor before morning. If you don't meet the time limit you fail, if you get caught you fail, if you kill innocents you fail. Am I clear?" Dante narrowed his eyes for a moment before resuming his casual demeanor, "Sure thing, so just to make sure I got this down: escape constraints, assassinate governor before morning and by the looks of things I have about three hours before sunrise. Well then I guess I'll see you there." Kassandra gave a smirk and vanished into shadows. "Guess I'd better get started." He used his abilities and made Rebellion come out and cut the ropes before returning.

Now free of his constraints Dante stretched his limbs while also popping his neck and hands. "That feels better." Dante did a once over and noticed that he was wearing new clothes. He was wearing a black shirt and cloak with black jeans and combat boots, on the way to the door he found a metal mask that was almost shaped like a skull, it had a magnifying glass next to one of the eyes and there were a bunch of gears. (A/N: Picture Death Gun with Corvo Mask.) He thought that it was pretty cool and intimidating so he gave a smile and put it on as it was a perfect fit. Walking out into the dark city he put on his hood and started walking towards the center of the city.

After a while Dante made his way to the governor's office and was standing on a building nearby. You might ask how he knew well compared to the regular buildings this place is a fortress and it also has a sign saying Governor of Dunwall City office. On the way there, Dante found many interesting things including how compared to his home world and the DxD world this city has a steam-punk look and feel. On some buildings that looked like factories he saw massive gears. Back to the office he was using the built-in telescope on the right eye to see that there were dozens of guards mounted at different locations regardless if it was the main or side entrances, the balconies, or the roof. Dante knew he was going to have to do this quickly and quietly or he would be fighting a small army. Standing up he put his hands in his pockets and he was surprised when he felt items in his pockets. In his left pocket he found a set of gauntlets with a blade that he could extend and retract with a ring that could hide under his sleeves along with a collapsible crossbow. In his right pocket he found a knife that could collapse into a metal baton or extend into a sword. "I guess this solves my stealth weapons problem." He equipped the hidden blades and tried them out; pleased with the result he put the folding blade and the crossbow back into the pockets he found them in. "Well since I can't walk in the front door, I'll try the roof. Getting a running start Dante jumps and manages to land soundlessly on the governor's office roof. "Now then, there are ten men on the roof, do I want to kill them or leave them be? Nah, I'll just kill them, save myself the headache." With this Dante became a phantom, killing soundlessly, his victims not even letting out a grunt as their throats were slit or their hearts pierced. Not even five minutes had passed, and Dante had already killed all of the men in his way and was inside, at one point he interrogated a guard to find out where the darling governor was; turns out he was having some fun with his whore of a wife that has admitted to fucking the entire battalion of guards at some point because her husband couldn't satisfy her. Making his way through the office he killed dozens of guards and they didn't even get to see his face before they died. After another five minutes he was standing outside the governor's bedroom and you could hear the sounds of a man and woman indulging themselves in carnal pleasure. "I am not going to deal with this," saying this Dante kicked in the door shocking the two on the bed a beautiful woman with large double D breast and a plump ass who was in the doggy-style position and a fat blob of a man pounding her from behind. Dante entered and before the man could say anything Dante shot him with the crossbow. Dante shook his head and broke one of the legs off of the bedside table holding it up he examined it and looked at the woman still in shock. "I was never here, also if you can't be satisfied let me help you with that. The woman shook her head in fear at the first part of his sentence, but her gaze turned into one of pure carnal lust at the latter part. Turning her body to face him she lifts her legs into a M position and was waiting for him to ravish her like she wanted. Looking at her loose pussy that seemed to have had pretty much everything from a cotton swab to a horse inside of its Dante gave her a look and approached her. In her lust the woman never saw that Dante still had the leg of the table, when he got right in front of her instead of undoing his pants he jammed the leg of the table up her pussy and said, "I don't like to use whores unless I am desperate. This should have filled you up, so you should be fine if you keep pulling and pushing." The woman gave out a surprised yelp when he jammed almost the entire leg up her cunt but when she heard him speak, she was disappointed but didn't question it and put her delicate hands on the leg and started to pleasure herself. When she was going to ask the man if he was sure he was already gone. She just gave a shrug and resumed he messed up pleasure.

Dante was already back onto the roof looking at Kassandra, "So how did I do?" Dante asked. "Not bad only took forty-five minutes and you killed twenty-seven guards and your target. I was surprised by your solution to the whore but none the less, you passed. I look forward to what you will be able to accomplish my phantom. You can keep the hidden blades, crossbow, folding knife, clothes, and mask by the way. See ya kid." With that she turned into a crystal shuriken and entered him. "Let's get it on, then shall we?" with this the world went white once more.

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