

She jumped up out of bed. The smoke was thick. She saw a pair of yellow eyes coming out of the fire. She dodged a huge fireball and grabbed her sword she left in the corner. She ran out of there as fast as she could Onyx was nowhere to be seen. The gas stove exploded and Deja got flung right into a wall and hit her head. She saw a dark figure fly off into the night before everything faded to black.......

When she awoke her vision was blurry and she was being carried by someone. She couldn't make out a face he had his back turned to the huge fire that was the apartments.

She looked down at her clothes she was wrapped in a coat.

The man set her down in the ambulance that was now there.

"How long had she been out why was she wrapped in a jacket?"

The paramedics took off the jacket that covered her body.

Her entire body was scorched she had no skin left just flesh.

How did she not feel any pain? She looked at the man that had carried her she could see his face now it was Drake.....

The pain hit her and one single tear fell before she passed out from the pain.

When she woke up she was in a hospital. She looked around and saw drake asleep in one chair and Onyx in the other. "What time was it how long had she been out?" She looked down at her body she was covered in a hospital gown but her arms and legs were wrapped up in gauze. She moved her arm and tried to unwrap it but she could not. Drake opened his eyes and saw her trying to untie the gauze.

"Hey don't do that you need to heal." He grabbed her arms and sat on the bed. She didn't look like she was in pain.

"I'm already healed up so untie me from this death trap!" She struggled. He still was holding her arms. She looked at his face he looked worried.

''Why are you even here, how did I get here?'' She looked angry.

"I was worried about you and the paramedics brought you here."

"How did you find out about the fire?" She looked tired.

"I saw it on the news and drove over there as fast as I could I was worried about you." He held her hand. She yanked her hand from his hand, she wore a scowl.

"What's wrong?" He said, "What's the matter, are you in pain?"

"NO, I just want to know how you got me out of the fire, without a scratch or burn on you?"

"I don't know! I just saw you in there and it was like...there was something telling me to go in there and get you out."

She looked into his eyes and said. "ONYX GET UP! I know you're awake!"

Onyx opened one eye and grinned, "OWWWW It hurts so much!!"

Deja yelled at her "YOU WERENT EVEN IN THE DARN FIRE!"

*DrAkE HaS LefT ThE ChaT*

The Doctor steps in, "Now everyone leaves! I must inspect the patient's wounds."

*Drake and Onyx sprint away, avoiding her wrath*

The doctor walks over beside her and starts unwrapping the gauze. He was stunned. he said, "How can you be healed it has only been three hours since you were brought here?"

The skin on Deja's arm had grown back, leaving no flesh exposed. "Are you ah....."

"Dragondrein? Yes, I am, any problems with that?" She had a toothy grin on her face.

"N-no not at all Ms. Deja I'll release you from here immediately if that's what you want?" He backed away to the door.

"Yes thank you, doctor." She got up and started unwrapping the gauze around her other arm and her stomach.

The doctor exited the room, he was sweating like a Democrat on election day. Drake and Onyx looked worried.

"So how is she doc is she gonna be alright?" Onyx put on her best acting she could muster.

"She is fine the wounds are healed and I'm releasing her right now." He rushed away.

"How can she be healed she was almost dead 3 hours ago?"

Onyx shrugged. "Her body heals super fast." "Really that's amazing." He entered and immediately turned around.

She was still unwrapping herself, she looked like a mummy.

Onyx entered as drake exited. "You need some help their mummy." "Very funny just help me." Onyx unwrapped her.

"Where's Drake?" She was putting on some clothes Onyx had bought for her. "He ran when he saw you unwrapping I guess you have an ugly body." She laughed.

She opened up the door, she looked around for Drake he was not there. Deja and Onyx went downstairs Deja had a limp from her hitting the wall and breaking her leg from the impact. Drake was waiting for them.

"Don't worry I paid for it." He was smiling. He went over to help Deja walk.

"Why did you do that I could have paid for it, don't pay for my stuff I am working for you for a reason or are you doing this so I have to work longer?" She had a slight smile as she leaned on him.

"Do you need somewhere to stay I have an extra room if you two need somewhere to stay." He helped Deja outside.

Deja looked at Onyx who had a smile on her face. Onyx spoke first. "She does I have somewhere to stay for the night."

She walked away and waved at them. "Don't have to much fun you two."

Deja and Drake blushed at the same time. He looked amused.

He helped her into his car, they drove to the rich part of town where Drake lived it was dark outside. "Of course he lives here." She thought to herself.

They parked in the driveway.

He helped her get out, they entered the mansion it looked huge.

Deja looked around in amazement.

"You live here? are you a king or something?"

He laughed.

"No my parents are just very wealthy." She was still leaning on him.

"Oh I'm sorry for leaning on you I didn't notice." She Stepped away from him.

"Your bedroom is up here." He led her upstairs to and opened the door to a big room. "What time is it?" She thought to herself.

"Goodnight Deja.'' "Goodnight Drake." He closed the door. She walked towards the bed, she sat on it it was so soft.

"Wow." She went to sleep knowing she was safe.


A pair of yellow eyes watched them as they entered.

"I thought I killed her, she must be a Dragondrein." She gripped the railing. "Poison always works for her kind." She slunk back into the darkness.


To be continued.

I hope you guys are enjoying this book.

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