
The job

She woke up early the next morning, after going though all of her

things yesterday, she found a jean skirt, and button up shirt, she

was ready for her job, she was so exited, she got dressed, and fixed

her hair up in a bun, she was ready, she grabbed her purse and her

apartment keys, she was ready, she locked up her apartment and

started walking, the address he had texted her yesterday, was in the

business part of town, he wanted her there by 8:00 AM, so she left a

little early to get there on time, she arrived at the building, it was the

tallest building in town, she swallowed and entered it wasn't as busy

as she expected she told the receptionist who she was, she told deja

to go to the top floor, the first door too her right, were the boss was,

she got in the elevator and rod too the top, and knocked on the first

door too her right. " Come in" a happy voice said.

She opened the door, and there he was the guy from the night before

he still looked as good as before.

"Hello sir" She said with a smile.

" You can call me Drake from now on no Mr or sir just Drake " he said as he smiled at her.

She blushed " Ok Drake what will i be doing today?

"You will be getting my coffee from down stairs from the coffee delivery boy he will be

waiting for you"

"Ok got it ill be right back" She exited the room and he still had a smile on his face.

She rod the elevator down, there the coffee boy was, he turned around,

he was so handsome, he was at least a foot taller than drake and he

was so buff, he had to workout almost all the time too look like that

and he had dirt brown hair, and his eyes brown, with green flakes, and

a strong jaw, he had a look on his face like he could be doing something

better with his life.

"Hello there ms this is Mr Drake's coffee, you must be his assistant"

He said with the same look as before. "He looks happy" she thought too herself.

"Wait how did you know?" She said confused.

"He told me what you looked like and that you were new" He almost smiled.

"Oh ok i was confused i get confused easily sorry" She blushed again.

"Here you are Ms, its hot" He said as he handed it too her. She grabbed it.

"Thank you, what is your name?" She said.

"I'm Terrin and you are?" He said.

"I-im Deja, Terrin is a strong name, i like it" She smiled.

He blushed "Thank you, i-i got to go, good meeting you" he said rubbing his neck and smiled.

she waved bye and went too the elevator and went to the top and opened the door too Drake's

office. " What took you so long" he said with a little anger in his voice.

"I was talking too the coffee boy Terrin he is really nice" and hands him his coffee.

"I don't want you too talk too him next time" He said sipping his coffee that was really hot.

Wait only i can drink piping hot coffee and it was really hot is he a...no he cant be forget it.

She thought to herself.

"Why cant i talk too him"

"Because i said so and you don't want too lose your job do you" He said with a smirk on his face.

He is protective, and he drinks piping hot coffee, that a normal human couldn't drink

is he a Dragondrein, like me if he is ill test him, but for now ill do what he says.

He might get suspicious.

"So is there anything else Drake"

"Yes file all of this in the file room floor 10" He said picking up a stack of papers from his desk.

Thats intimidating, she thought too herself. "Okay ill get it done" She picked up the papers, they were very light, even though there was a lot of them. Drake opened the door for her, and the elevator. "Have fun'' He said with a smile. "I will try" She said smiling, he pressed the button for her he exited the elevator. He looked pleased.

She got down too floor 10 and found the file room, it was huge.

She finely finished 3 hours later, it was now 12:00.

"Ahh finely finished" She got in the elevator, and rod up too the top floor.

She knocked on the door, and opened it. He was getting ready too leave.

"Were are you going" She said smiling at him.

"I'm going for lunch, you want to go with me, ill pay"

"Shore does the lobby have good food" She said following him.

"They have very good food" they got in the elevator. And rod down in

awkward silence. Deja broke the silence. "So whats do you do outside

of work, other than from being a road block" She said giggling.

"Well" He smiled ''I do lots of hunting and working out....."

Ding, the elevator stopped and they got off.

She followed him to the cafe, that was in the building, she got a sandwich and a bag of

chips she wasn't that hungry she ate a lot for breakfast, "Is that all your gonna eat''

"Yeah i had a big breakfast, you shore got a lot" He had a plate full of food mostly meat

which gave her more reason too think he was like her. She had gone out too hunt at 4:00

in the morning and had eaten a hole deer so she really wasn't hungry but was trying too

act normal.

They found a place too sit, and they started eating she ate all her stuff in pretty quick

he acted like he had dent eaten in days, he scarfed it down gracefully.

"Wish i had grace while i eat" She thought too herself. She waited for him to finish.

They headed up after he was done. "Was it good" he asked her. "Yes it was very good''

"Im glad you liked it" He smiled at her, and they got in the elevator, another woman

walked, in she is so pretty long bond hair and blue eyes she smiled at Drake,

and said "Hello Mr Drake'' but he didn't pay her any attention, she gave me look

like she wanted too kill me.

"Well...she hates me" Deja thought too herself. Good job, your first enemy at work, new high score.

The woman got off on one of the other floors, and gave Drake a smile and me a look of death.

"Well what am i gonna do now?"

"I have some more paper work for you too file on floor 15" They got out of the elevator,

he opened the door, grabbed the papers off his desk he handed it too her it was still light

she has lifted a couple of tons before, but this was nothing.

He helped her too the elevator and she went to floor 15. A few hours later she was done,

and she went back up too Drakes office, he was heading out the door when she got

out of the elevator.

"Is it time to go home now?"

"Yes it is, do you need a ride home?" He said smiling and got in the elevator with her.

"Well ill walk home"

"You shore it dangerous out there when it gets dark how long of a walk do you have?"

"Its about 30 minutes i think" They got out of the elevator.

"Let me drive you home i don,t want anything too happen too you" He said has they left the building.

"Why do you care about me, i'm not that pretty, and i'm not rich" She said

He didn't know, he just felt like he had too protect her, he had too make something up.

"Well....i like.....your attitude and you still owe me money! So get in the car

or ill fire you right here and now" He said angrily. She did what he said, and

got in his car it was the Tesla roadster from yesterday. "Its shiny inside and out"

He got in the driver side.

"So were do you live'' He looked happy.

He's definitely gonna kill me in my sleep.

She told him were she lived, she was still a little leery of him but she

knew she could take him out easily.

They arrived at her apartment,it was on the better part of town, and she got out. "Guess ill

see you tomorrow morning "

"Ill come pick you up in the morning at 7:30 have a goodnight Ms Deja" he smiled.

She shut the door and smiled and wave bye. He drove off. Why is he gonna pick me up, i just don't know.

Well i guess i got a free ride now. Well time for bed. She got in her apartment and

undressed and took a shower got ready for bed and flopped on the bed and she was

happy she had met herself two handsome men and one might like her....maybe.

There are four main types of Dragondreins there is fire, water, air, and earth and varying mixtures of them like fire, earth or earth air or water air and so on

hope you all are loving this i am. And there are other elements but these are the only ones in the story.

janpinkdragocreators' thoughts
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