
Too sensitive

"I lost my memories," he confessed.

Oh Miyeon's eyes widened at his sudden words. Although she had thought about that as a possibility, she did not expect for him to straightforwardly say it to her, especially since he barely knew her.

"You don't need to be that surprised. This is no secret. It's just that barely anyone knows about it. I have no intention of hiding it, and meeting people from past was sooner or later bound to uncover it," he expressed.

"Ah," Oh Miyeon spoke out.

That's all that left her mouth in that moment. It wasn't as if she had nothing to say; it was merely that she did not know how to start them.

From when did he lose his memory? What had caused it to happen? Until where did he lose his memories? Was she present in those memories of his a little?

However, the question she wanted the answer to most was why he left without letting her know anything about it. But seeing how he had lost his memories of her, she doubted that he would be having the answer to that.

"About highschool in South Korea, I have vague recollection of some events. However, in none of those memories, you were present," he voiced out.

It would be a lie if Miyeon said that she was not affected by his words. Nevertheless, not letting that show on her face, she pointed to herself and questioned, "So, you basically don't remember the girl who sat beside you?"

He nodded and spoke out, "I investigated about our relationship back in highschool, and according to many, we were close. However, it is strange that I don't have the slightest of memory regarding you."

"Maybe I am too insignificant for you to remember about me. Seeing how you spent a lot of time with me, I guess you could say that we were close or maybe that's just what I have thought.

It could have been different for you, Mr. Min, because you left without a word to me. I apologise about being too sensitive, but this is something I find difficult to control my temper over.

Anyway, now that you have lost your memories, I think that I will be able to let go of you completely. I was still holding on to the hopes of you explaining to me why you left all of a sudden regardless of how you called me your friend.

A part of me also wanted to reconcile with you. But now, with your memories lost, I don't think that will be possible. After all, although you're the same person, the highschool Soobin is different," Miyeon voiced out, "Thank you for telling me about all of this."

Oh Miyeon hated herself for getting emotional over this. Nonetheless, having this all out of her chest felt really good to her. Regardless of how she repeated to herself about how she had moved on, a part of her was still hung up on him.

Even if the Soobin before her was not the same, letting him know of her feelings felt pleasant to her somewhat.

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