

Rozal and ten pilots of Steel Battalion were part of the group sent to give the corvette backup, so when they failed Rozal decided he wouldn't leave the droids unscathed.

Rozal took three ARC-170s with him and started chasing a group of Vulture droids, flying in the middle of the remains of the CR90.

When Rozal entered persecution he focused only on his target. Before his visors, the only thing was the Vultures. Bat prepared the ion torpedoes.

"The gifts are ready sir!"

Rozal locked his aim not on the Vulture droids, but in a point somewhere in the middle of them. His computer bipped that he was aiming at the wrong place, but Rozal trusted his senses and pressed the trigger.

"Torpedo One off!"

The torpedo flew, leaving behind blue and white sparks. The torpedo almost scraped off the painting of one of the Vultures, but hit bullseye.

The explosion threw the Vulture droids formation in disarray, sending five or six of them out of control, some crashing on others and some exploding directly. Rozal didn't give them a chance to catch their breath.

"Torpedo Two off!"

Another torpedo flew, but this time one Vulture droid got on the way, and they took only one enemy out. Bat touched some buttons and keys on the control panel.

"Torpedoes Three and Four ready captain!"

"You might want to hold them for now sir. Their small cruisers are getting into range."

Spark, working not only as a gunner but also as a spotter, saw the Gonzati-class cruisers starting to get into the battle and warned them. Almost at the same time, they received orders from their command ships ordering them to attack the Gonzati-class cruisers.

Rozal didn't hesitate, separating Steel Battalion on pre-existing divisions for those situations.

"Iron and Thorn squadrons, attack the cruiser at marker 187-690. Copper and Brown squadrons, take out the one at 187-485. Cooperate with each other, if it is too risk fall back, regroup and focus on one of them. Steel 127, Steel 66, Stell 43, Steel 90 and Shell Squadron follow me."

"Thorn leader is down sir!"

"Yonk, you are the new Thorn leader."

"Yes sir!"

Rozal moved Steel 1 to the cruiser he decided to attack, but with them on the offensive, it was the droids time to chase. Two Vulture droids were on their tail, and even with Spark doing his best they were having difficulties shaking them off.

"Steel 1 needs assistance! We got two of them following us."

"Copy that. Steel 66 on the way to help, captain."

Rozal made a lot of sharp turns and even tried to rotate, but the Vultures kept hot on them. Another ARC-170 appeared behind them, support finally arriving. The ARC-170 fired his two frontal cannons, spraying on the Vultures.

One of them exploded, blinding both Steel 66 and the other Vulture temporarily. Spark took the chance, and the top turret tore the Vulture droid to pieces.

Now that their backs clean Rozal and his men concentrated on the attack. The Gonzati-class cruisers weren't big, and because of that had fewer defenses. They were used mostly as troops transports and were probably carrying the droids supposed to drop on Kamino.

"Those following me, go ahead and take out their shields. Steel 43 and I will deliver the torpedoes."

"Roger that."

Rozal slowed just enough for the other starfighters to overtake him. Yonk voice came through the coms.

"Enemy ship at 187-690 is falling captain!"

"Good job Thorn Squadron, Iron Squadron. Go give support to the attack on their other cruiser."

In front of Rozal, the ARC-170s accompanying him fired a volley of lasers on the Gonzati-class cruiser, wearing out its shields, but Shell Squadron took one loss on the process.

Rozal and Steel 43 prepared their ion torpedoes and took over the attack, flying extremely close to the enemy ship, and bombarding the heck out of the bridge.

Without its command center, the cruiser quickly went down, falling towards Kamino. Rozal turned around and went looking for more targets.


On The Sincerity.

"Admiral, their frigates are in range! Scanners indicate that they are coming right to us!"

Dao showed some excitation on his face. The real battle was about to begin.

"All batteries, concentrate your fire on the nearest frigate! We have to take out as many as possible before the dreadnoughts arrive."

Next chapter