

I laid myself on the bed, it gave a good feeling, but I still missed my futon. Here on I have to get up on my own or else I am so dead. The thought makes me feel to return back to Aunt Minseo. A feeling crept me that the door creacked opened. I sat up to see a girl may be around my age. She bowed me. "Ma'am for now, I shall be your assistance." I nodded blankly. "What is your name?" I asked her politely. "My name is Jieun." I ohed her. "Ma'am would you like to meet the prince?" She asked. Oh yes. "Yes!" I squealed. I have been waiting for an opportunity to talk with him, to stay with him.

But Jieun somehow seemed to get surprised with my action. "Sorry." I bowed to her.

I followed her to the prince's room. She opened the door and the sight which shocked me was that it wasn't prince Taehyung but someone else. He looked ill. Very ill. Needles were sticked on his upper body; acupuncture, a wet cloth on his forehead, blanket covered till his abdomen and he seemed to have no life. Didn't the needles pain him? I never had fever nor did Namjoon oppa. We were the only children who never got fever while others did. The physician was checking his pulse as we approached them.

We stood near the bed, "Who is this?" I whispered. But then what I asked didn't sound as a whisper because the physician gave me a slight unbelievable look. My mouth was zipped after that look on his face. Jieun left saying that she had some urgent work to be done, so I let her go though I was so scared.

After a few moment the physician gestured me to near him. He took a last look at him and sadly sighed. He stood up, "Stay here and try to reduce his body temperature. By evening if the temperature is still high then send for me." "Yes sir." I mumbled not looking at him.

"Hmm." He hummed and walked out. Now only two persons were there in the room, the unknown man and I. I sat next him, changing the small towel now and then from his forehead by dipping in the water and squeezing it. The man looked so pale, his lips were dried, his upperbody and forehead was perspiring. I was feeling so bad for his condition. Staring at his lips, when I acknowledge of my lip balm. Slowly not making a sound I walked to my room to get it and immediately returned. I still remember how aunt Minseo and I were making it. It was a pretty mess though. Still it worked out well.

I sat back. Before applying it I checked his temperature and amased because his temperature lowered back to normal. Removing the cloth, putting it back to bowel, I took some balm, rubbed it between the tips of my index and thumb. Applying it gently on his lips. His lips were very rough, but the roughness was replaced by softness once the balm was applied. I took the towel which was laid on a stand next to the bed. Gently I began to remove the needles. Once it was all removed, I damped the towel on his sweaty chest. He used to wince once a while as I cleaned his body.

After cleaning, I took his blanket and covered his uncovered body. I was about to leave his side when my wrist was held. I looked down, he was twitching his eyebrows with eyes closed, "Please don't leave me. Stay back." He asked in a pained voice. His voice made me to pity on him more. I took his hands in mine and caressed them as I moved back to my previous position.

One thing was sure that he was sleep talking to me. For a long time I sat there looking at him, thinking who he was, how is he in this condistion, how is he related to the royal family. I was waiting for Jieun to show up to bombarded her with questions. Soon my waiting came to halt, Jieun came, "Ma'am, I have kept your lunch in your room. You can feast while I will look after him." I nodded and left the place.

The moment my eyes fell on my lunch, my mouth started watering. I sat down quickly and began feast. Believe it or not, it was so tasty. Umma. The best. I literally gulped down the food rather than eating it slowly to cherish its flavour. My stupidity.

"Y/N, control your self. Eat slowly to let the food flavour fill your mouth." I sighed at my thought and when I looked at the plate, I really felt sorry for myself. The food is over. But, Royal life, Luxury life.

"Y/N, you are an idiot." I told myself. I went back to that man's room. Jieun stood there staring at him. Closing the door behind, I walked up to her, she saw me, bowed and was about to leave when I stopped her. She looked at me, "Who is this?" I asked looking at the unconscious person. "This prince Jimin." Hearing the person's name I looked at her with wide eyes. "You m-mean prince Jimin?" She nodded. "What happened to him?"

She looked at him, "Do you really want to know?" She asked me with plead in her eyes not to ask. I cannot. I wanted to know. "Yes." I demanded. She sighed softly. "The prince had been sick since he was born. He is a weak person, but still he ends up in such condition when he walks out of the room. Lately an incident took place which gave shock to him and was traumatised . He had been constantly critizing prince Taehyung as guilty. Since then on he had been sick because that incident not only left prince Jimin hurt but also Seohyun unnie." She said. "I have to go." She bowed and left in a hurry. I stared at her unbelievely. What could have been that incident.

But why will Prince Jimin say that prince Taehyung is guilty after all they are brothers right? Wait, no they aren't. They are step brothers. May be because of that? So all those times when Aunt Minseo said was true? Oh God! The person whom I have being trying to console if I had met the suck Prince was him? HIM? I couldn't believe that the person is right in front of me. Should I be happy or be sad for him.

The room of the prince looked so gloomy. I opened the window to let some fresh air, but it literally gave access to light as well . The out side view was so stunning. It was a green ground, with a lot of flowers, at the corner there stood a cherry blossom, whose branches shook when the find blew at times, birds chirping here and there. It was a peaceful environment. The spring season is a beautiful season. It gave a lively feeling to the inanimate objects in the view. Any one who wanted a peaceful mind could come here. That one was rounded by my.

I took a glance of the prince before my mind began to wander about his condition. I was so immeresed in the thought that I didn't know someone saying something. When I heard a crashing noise I looked to its direction. I gasped as I saw the prince looking at me with death glare. A vase laid shattered on the ground. All I could do was gulp and a immeadiate bow to him. "Who are you?" He asked in a deep voice.

"I-I am Y/N, your highness." I stuttered. "What are you doing here?" He roared. I became afraid to stay there any longer. "Lo-Looking after you, your highness." All this time I had my gaze down. "Get out!" He yelled. "B-but?" "Do you want me to repeat?" This time he was about to berserk. "N-No, your highness." I bowed one last time and walked out.

I ran to my room pretty upset. I broke in tears though there wan't any reason. I cried silently for few moments and then there weren't more tears in my body. I got up from my bed and cleaned my face with the towel. Pretty much I wanted to go out, but I had no one whom I knew close enough who could take me out.

Author's Pov...

Right now you were standing in front of Prince Jimin's room. You couldn't help but slowly lean your ear to the door to hear what he was doing. You had an ability to hear even the weest sound. You hear sniffles from the other side and felt bad for yourself as you couldn't go in, take him in your hands and coo to him to everything was fine.

You had a habit of comforting people at their hard time. But to Prince Jimin it was something else. Something as of a close companion who do stake her life for him.

Meanwhile the prince balled up on his bed, trying hard to sniffle his cries. He missed her, her warmth, her smile, her laughs, her hugs, he missed her everything. She was his only friend. She did everything to make him happy, from lightning his mood to taking care of him like a child.

"Yubin." He cried softly staring at his hands as he remembered the last moment.

She wore a light blue and white hanbok. Her hair was tied in a bun and her smile gave beauty to her face. As usual she read him a book, before he went to sleep. They laughed at the jokes of the book. Finally she closed, "Alright, my highness, we have read enough today. You should have some rest." She tucked him in his bed. Before she could turn, he held on to her hand. She looked at him. "Don't forget that we going to the garden tomorrow." He beamed her his smile. She caressed his hair, "Of course, I do never forget that."

"Good night Prince." She softly mumbled as she closed the door, he had his eyes on her as she closed it. He closed his eyes dreaming about tomorrow.

It was midnight when he woke up with fear. He had a bad dream of loosing Yubin. He got off the bed, his room and stood in front of Yubin and Seohyun's room. He knocked. No response. He did it again and again as nervousness grew up by passing time.

The door was opened by Seohyun. He looked over her shoulders. "Is Yubin there?" He asked curiously. "No, she is not here Prince Jimin." She replied trying her best to answer with her sleep. "We have to find." He said as he pulled Seohyun and walked out. "But why Prince?" She asked as they entered the garden. "She is in danger." He replied as his eyes were in hurry to meeting that figure again. "How come Prince?" She asked as she followed his gestures. "In my dream I saw her someone killing." They stopped at a deviation. "Seohyun go this way and I will go this way." He ordered. She nodded and both continued to their ways.

"Yubin." he shouted as his worried eyes searched her. Soldiers who were on duty, saw Prince Jimin strolling in the garden. They approached him, "Prince Jimin, why are you here at this hour of time?" Jimin looked at the person who spoke. "I need you to find Yubin." He ordered them. "Yes, your highness." They went the other way searching for her. Jimin was being impatient by every passing second.

He pulled his hair in frustration. He kept repeating in his mind 'She will be safe.' But then all this came to a halt. When he couldn't believe his eyes. He kneeled down not believing the scene in front of him. His eyes were capturing the image of Yubin, who now laid there on the floor nearly lifeless, her chest heaving up and down, clothes torn part which barely covered her body, blood tricking down her lips and dirt all over her figure. He laid her head on his lap. "Yubin?" He tapped her cheeks as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. She opened her eyes slowly, "Pr-ince Ji-min." She smiled as her face was lost its brightness. "I- I se-see my br-bro-ther ap-proach-ing m-me." She said as she coughed a little blood. Tears trickled down prince's face. "Who did this to you?" He asked her, trying to know the criminal who brought her to this condition. "P-Prince T-Taehyung-" Before she could complete, everything was silent. He tapped her face. "Yubin?" No response was heard from her except for her eyes opened and lips apart. "Noooo!" He screamed as he hugged her in his arms and crying loud. "Nooooo, you can't leave me." He kept crying and trying to wake his friend.

Seohyun and people in the palace gathered. Seohyun cupped her mouth as she saw Yubin's soulless figure. She fell loosing her senses on to the grassy ground. A lot of guards gathered around them. They tried to take the body, but Prince Jimin insisted that only he would touch her. He picked her up in his arms and walked to the physician. He stumbled all along his walk, the soldiers gave him support at times but never gave her body.

The guards opened the physician's room door for him, he carefully placed body on the examining bed. The physician came, he asked everyone to move out so he could examine the body but Prince was stubborn enough to stay in the room. After the examination, he said to Prince Jimin that she was abused and killed. Jimin's blood boiled. His body was weakening by every step he took.

Prince Taehyung was enquiring what had happened. He notices Prince Jimin coming towards him, slowly. Prince wanted to calm his brother in a situation like this. But to his surprise, Prince Jimin gave a punch to him, making him stumble and fall down. Prince Jimin lost all his strength in one go yet he shouted, "You rapist." With a little energy. And then everything became blank.