
The Trial. (Chapter 23)

I start to leave with the young soldier when suddenly he drops to the floor. A hooded figure stands before me.

"Damien" the voice was familiar. "I need to talk with you." They say.


I am taken upstairs by 4 gaurds, twoby my side, one Infront and one in back. I have now been classed as 'volitile' meaning I'm a threat to palace security. And right now, I'm a threat to anyone. With what I have just heard, I am a changed man. I walk up the stairs, the guards draw their swords as we reach the grand halls massive doors. I feel as if I'm about to errupt. The anger was simmering inside me and sooner or later it was going to be let out. It doesn't matter on who. I don't care anymore. The doors fly open, and I am ushered inside. There are hundreds of people in the room. Come too see my trail. A devilish grin appears on my face as I am shirtless. Further entertainment for the soldiers. People look and gasp in horror at my gashes. I wear them as a badge, I don't care that they are looking. Some of the ladies look at muscles, I was weak but still, I was strong. Blood still is seeping from my gashes. As I walk into the hall, laughs, gasps and whispers immediately start. I bow to the king, but quite over exaggerated, for my amusement. Sadly they did not find it funny. One of the guards hit me in my knee causing me to fall on both knees. I don't care to get angry, I just laugh. I scan the room, I look for any sign of Karina, I just need to see her once. I needed to speak with her once. A tear came from my eye as there was no sign of her. I shook, not with anger, with regret that I did not spend more time with her. We should have stayed at the tree, together and free. For she was all I wanted in life. I didn't care about titles, palaces or honour. It was her and only her that I needed. She was my true love, my only love, my dark angel, she was mine. And now, they took her from me. "Prince Damien Lucent of Haydren. You have been accused of the Murder of Isla Hafiz." Ryan's booming voice reached the back of the room everyone fell silent. This was not the man I met, this was a blood thristy Demon. His eyes cold, he had no hope in the world. Like me. My throat suddenly dry, I say-"I plead-"

"STOP!" Karina! She comes charging in and with a flick of her wrist all the guards go flying in all 4 directions. She runs straight to me and wraps her arms around me. I don't hesitate and kiss her deeply and gently, savouring every movement every taste of her. I don't let her go until I needed air. Our foreheads met as we closed our eyes. She was crying, her heart beating so fast. I kissed her passionately this time, stronger, rougher more controlled. She arched her back, she was accepting this. Small moans left her mouth as it was like we were the only two in the world. "I will get you out of this." She whispers. "Our bond will not be broken." She says. "No it won't." I say planting a kiss on her forehead. Suddenly Drake comes and lifts her out of my arms, and pins her to the wall. Her screams in objection rang through the hall as the whispers returned. 8 guards this time came and took hold of me.

"PLEASE RYAN" Karina shrieks her voice flooded with tears. "HE DIDN'T DO IT. PLEASE RYAN I LOVE HIM! Don't punsih him please I beg of you." The anguish and agony in her voice made me grieve. I just wanted to scoop her up and console her. But I saw drakes arms around her as she fought him and that's when I snapped. All the forces of light that I could muster I shot straight at him. A beam of white light was shot straight from my hands in his direction. It burnt his arms and she was set free. I felt a boulder upon the face, someone had punched me knocking me down. I was too weak to fight. All the adrenaline had worn off. I could barely stand.i could feel the gashes on my back sting with anguish as the guards tried to restrain me. Karina tried to come to me again. But the guards had grabbed her. This time pinning her to the floor. Her screamd rang in my head. "ENOUGHHH!" Shouted Ryan and everyone stood still. "that is enough...Damien how do YOU plead!" I look over to Karina she smiles knowing that in full belief of my innocence.

"I plead.....Guilty." the gasps and screeches filled the room in horror of what I had become. I looked over to Karina, her face emotionless, no sound came from her. She was in disbelief of what she heard. She wouldn't move. She just stared and stared eyes wide like a deer caught in lights. Her eyes filled with tears but her expression did not change. Right there, I felt my heart snap in two. My will to live gone. I felt her hate for me, and that hurt more than a thousand lashes. "Karina" I manage to say my throat tight. She looks away from me. She cannot bear the sight of me. She gets up and sprints out of the hall. Gone. Just like that. My heart went from two Into a thousand pieces. My love. My dark angel. Was no longer mine. The part of her soul that was entwined in me, I felt wither. I could no longer feel her. The thousand pieces, became a million. I was crippled by her hate. I no longer gave a fuck. "GUILTY, I plead GUILTY ALRIGHT!" I scream to Ryan. The lion was coming out, I felt the magic on my fingertips.

"You will rot in these dungeons. You will die here. You will be shipped daily and you will never see the sun. That will be your punishment. Now, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" The guards drag me back. "KARINA, Im so sorry!" And into the darkness we go.
