
Does... Everyone Look Like That...?

... Silence... Was I... perhaps I was too soft? Let's try again then...




"He -cough cough- Hello? Is anyone thereeee?"




I hear something! Wait. I hope that's not a rat... nononononono! Why would I even think that?! Why doesn't that idiot person make some sort of person noise instead of just making scratchy noises & scaring the daylights out of people!!! It's not a rat. It's not a rat! It's not a rat! It. Is. Not. A. Rat.




Okay I hear footsteps. Too loud to be a rat. Unless this place has a people sized rats... Lord God Almighty Above! I just HAD to imagine that no! Why must I think of things like this?! Aren't I terrified enough already? Am I awakening my masochistic side? Not that I mind masochism, but really? Is now the time? Sigh.




Okay. Fix my face. Poker face. Poker face. Have to maintain a poker face. Why am I feeling so anxious? Wait. Was that even a real question? Why on Earth WOULDN'T I be afraid? Oh Lord! Is this even Earth?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I need answers! STAT!





Idiot! Ask that person (NOT rat) to come in if you need answers no?! Where's your brain at? Let's try again! We're going with the scenario that its a human out there! Wooooooo!





"Please enter."





Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! The door's opening! THE DOOR IS OPENING! Defcon 1 people! Fix face! Fix attitude! Be ready for anything and everything! Lets gooooooooooo!





AAAAAAAAAA! Its a good thing that it hurts too much to move or there is no way on God's green Earth that I could have kept my face straight! SOOOOOOOOO PRETTY! How does someone as pretty as that exist!? Oooooooh! Who is this pretty sister? Or is it brother? Ahhhh. My eyes have been blessed!

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