

As soon as one enters inside the two large wooden doors with rich crafting of dragon,the house surrounded by Ashlar stone walls which is covered by PHLOX SUMMER SEMI CREEPER and colourful flowers of purple and pink mix. the air in this place is different than that of city. their is a large garden at the either side of the stone pathway, filled with different varieties of flowers. this garden is kept in the memories of the late grandma. Their lays a table in between the garden. Grandpa Garica, uncle Liam and cousin Henry were sitting together. Grandpa Garica is drinking his morning tea while uncle Liam is studying newspaper and Cousin Henry is chatting non stop he is the entertainer of the house, the picture was so lively.seeing them Mia lips have curved up a bit and she ran towards them. uncle Liam and Henry seems to be suprise and Grandpa Garcia face was as if he has expected my visit, he should have been stacking me behind my back.

As soon as I entered Herny mouth has started and don't know when it is going to stop. seeing his son talking without letting anyone to talk uncle Liam has used the newspaper in is hand bead behind the Henry's head it was very lively. The morning we had a lively family dinner its been a long time since i could eat and spend happily without any worries. later we went to backside of the house where grandma Garcia, Aunt Jenny, mom and dad were their. i felt like my eyes were warmed up my eyes became misty. the i don't want to cry, only when i'm going to get revenge on behalf of them then only will i cry. i'm not week anymore. i'm growing and i will grow even more strong. until all the people who combined together just to make my parents and aunt and auncle anut HIMOTO i'm not going to show my weakness to anyone.

I shouldn't be weak and i'm not weak. this is want it said to myself but the reality is hard that what we imagine seeing the people whom i love the most and who loved me and have been with me without expecting anything other than my happiness are more. Aunt Jennie i swear i'll protect Henry from now on rest in peace. unknowingly I let a drop of water fall down from my eye.

No one knows anything more than me what happened on that night, and aunt Jennie has died is because of me, i'm indirectly the reason behind my aunts dead, and because of that Henry doesn't have any mothers love. his step mother is someone who loves the money more than anything else. she doesn't care about Henry she just puts a perfect act infront of uncle Liam. 

After going back to home i walked with grandpa Garica into his room while ignoring my new step aunt Lucy, who has covered herself with all top brand things from the head to toe. covered has face with lots and lots of coating with make-up. she is total opposite to the my aunt Jenne. 


Grandpa Garica took a seat in the chair near by desk. His expression from before and replaced by serious and concerned face. i know what he is worried about, my father's brother and his wife want to takeover the company of my parents but they couldn't succed in it because in the it is mentioned to handovere the company under care of grandpa Garica.It seems like my parents have already aware of this or they have expected this to happen. that's the reason why grandpa has send me to live in the house of Jack Lopez and has erased all the traces of Mia Jene. it's a mystery to everyone where Mia is to everyone. 

grandpa is not afraid of the others but how can someone protect when the enemy is totally unknown.Lots of peoples lives have changed after that their were so many enemies in my fathers own company, don't know even know how many people are trying to find me just because to wipe out my existance from the world.

"Grandpa doesn't need to worry i won't act rashly. Atleast i have to know the one who is the mastermind behind this."

Grandpa Garica ha left out a low sigh " I can't find the one behind the inncident. everytime we find a clue about it he moves escapes from us.He is someone out of our reach we need to find him at any cost.Don't worry yourself about this be like normal children of your age. Grandpa wants you to be happy. i dont't want your parents to get angry on me when i meet them after my death." 

"grandpa.. i'm happy the way i am. This is how i want to be, i have done everything according to my parent's wish, how they wished to see me, i want them to know that their daughter has reached to their expectations. Grand pa don't worry about me, and you need to stay by my side i don't have anyone expect you."

At this time someone has unlocked the door and came inside, Herny 's lively face has now been replaced with odd expression. 

"You don't have anyone expect grandpa? Then who am I? Guess after  staying far away for this many years you have forgotten that you have a brother." Henry came infront of Mia and poked on her forehead. 

Mia: IS their any movements from Lucy or Nancy? 

Henry stood silent for a while. He turned towards grandpa Garica and then towards Mia. "lets talk about it someother time. What are you going to do now?"

Mia: their is still more time left for Mia to come back,well are you coming to Lopez house on monday for the birthday party?

Herny understood what meant by that she wants to know about Lucy and her daughter Nancy full information before monday. 

"Nancy went to hangout with Nia Lee she will be back before saturday, we can hangover till then. Well and talking about strong i guess your still the same girl from 10 years ago, you haven't changed till now."

"i'm strong, i'm not the same old me."

"well then go out without covering your face. You can't hide yourself."

This time its me who became silent. Till my childhood i was in my home, after that incident i don't want to show myself to anyone, from then on i started keeping distance from others. Yeah i'm not strong completly. Well but just because i can't show my face it doesn't mean i'm not strong right. don't judge a book by its cover. As if guessing her thoughts Henry replied "your MIA JENE born in the business family. In the business world people judge you by your confidence if you keep on covering your face how can people believe that you can lead the business? How can you take over the charge of the company which your parents have painstakingly bulit it. How can you prove others that your qualified?"

"When the time comes i'll just show myself until the their is no problem. The one hiding is Amelia Lopez not MIA JENE." I left the room after saying that. I don't want to agree with Henry but whatever he said is true, i'm afraid... afraid that i'll lose my loved ones once again. I don't want that to repeat it once again.
