

Anytime a Banshee capable of sonic attacks arrived, Palmer would raise a shield made of Truth and cover the area the creature attacked from.


It seemed as if Palmer could freely control the size of the shield made of green light. The shield could absorb sonic attacks and rippled like the surface of a pond every time it blocked something.


'That shield is designed for spiritual attacks. It's probably weak to physical attacks.' Natasha calmly analysed.


Palmer's shield ability was already known to the others as its ability to resist the Banshee's sonic attacks made him an even more critical strategic asset. His spatial magic and collection of odd spiritual skills were what brought him on this mission. He was also there to act as Mercedes' eyes and ears. He often acted as her brain and knew what she wanted best aside from Ulysses.


This unique shielding ability resulted in Will's instructions to Palmer being slightly different.


"2 o'clock 2 away 10 up 10m." The last digit was the radius of space the shield had to manifest.


Will's ability to sense the range of attack stunned the others as this was not expected. Even if Will said nothing about the size of shield needed, all Palmer had to do was make the shields extremely large, but that would inconvenience everyone quite a bit. Yet this inconvenience would have been accepted. Will's advice however allowed Palmer to create shields of an appropriate size. Not only saving him mana but also reducing the amount of space his shields took up. 


Will also timed his instructions in such a way that attacks did not clash. Achilles stood as a magnet, attracting all the long-range attacks he could. The Veritas siblings attacked in a superbly vicious fashion along with their prince. Natasha had the greatest long-range output in the team while Lyra assisted wherever she could.


Palmer was everyone's shield against spiritual and sonic attacks while Will was the lighthouse, shining a path through the miasma. The situation started to stabilize, but the ever-vigilant Natasha took her role as team leader seriously, constantly monitoring their surroundings. 


'This isn't good. We are getting overwhelmed soon. We need to stop and regroup.'


Natasha calmly analysed the situation and started to think of countermeasures. She did not want anyone there to activate their strongest skills so early but their situation was getting out of hand.


'If only we had a long-range spiritual-type damage dealer. One with the ability to attack multiple targets at once, one capable of dishing out varying attacks...'


Natasha herself could fulfill that role but it required her to produce an output that was far greater than the others. She was not willing to reveal her cards so early. She was still aware that outside this dungeon, everyone present would be her enemy. 


'But I still need to do something.'


It was at this point that a change occurred. Natasha received a message from Will via Intent. 


'Can I attack? I have a plan, but for it to work I need to be Lydia's focus for agility-related buffs.' 


The message was short and brief, but it was a surprise nonetheless. Natasha contemplated for a moment and nodded in Will's direction. She knew he did not need to look back at her to know her stance on his question. 


Will's request was unexpected because his role was that of a scout who cleared the way. He wasn't supposed to fight and instead had to focus on clearing a path. His Solitude trait allowed the path they cleared to remain clear. Allowing others to follow in their footsteps if need be. 


If he fought as well it would no doubt affect his ability to clear the path ahead. Natasha wondered what his plan was but she assented. 


"Lydia cast agility-related buffs on Solitary! Now!" 


Lydia did not expect this order but complied immediately. She created a halo of light and threw it above Will's position. The halo expanded and shone brightly on Will's body. 


Halo of Light: Light Speed. 


The Halos of Light were Spectralias most famous set of buffs, capable of strengthening a wide variety of attributes. It was also cost-effective energy-wise and could be cast on a whole group or individual targets. 


Light Speed was the agility-increasing Halo. As the name suggested one could use it to increase one's agility. Will benefited from this greatly as agility was his most important physical attribute. 


Agility was Will's primary effector. This meant that if Will's agility increased, he would experience an all-around increase in all his output as most of his skills had agility at their core. 


"Lyra, Elemental Focus!" 


The entire trip, only Lyra did not have anything to do. At Will's request, Lyra's only job was to cast buffs on Will at the right moment. Natasha, interested in seeing what the Tsimikas group could do, naturally assented. And Lyra did not disappoint. 


Lyra raised his hands and created a blue orb of mana. The orb pulsed and thrummed. Floating up into the air. Within a fraction of a second, the orb exploded outwards, but it did not cause any damage. Instead, it affected the environment in a different way. One that only Natasha and Achilles could appreciate. 


Natasha stared wide-eyed as the water element energy within their immediate surroundings skyrocketed. Natasha was stunned beyond belief. She could not believe that a low-level mage had such a great ability. 


The ability to increase the concentration of a particular element was in high demand and extremely rare. Thanks to Lyra, Will, Achilles and Natasha, the only water-type cultivators present, felt a great increase in their output. 


Natasha quickly cast a water blade infused with Truth at a target Will had designated for her. The result was 3 times the power with a fifth of the casting speed. 


'This is absurd!'


Achilles roared as he felt strengthened by the increase in water-type energy around him. He also had a waterblade and did the same as Natasha. His was a warrior's water balder cast from the edge of his blade but the effects were still pronounced. 


His Guardian's Call skill also benefited him greatly. Even though it was not a water-type skill, Elemental Focus also elevated the higher senses of all water-type cultivators by a certain degree. 


Natasha was not happy upon discovering this skill, because it meant that her foes were much stronger than she had anticipated. Even though Solitary and Achilles were her allies, this was a temporary arrangement. 


'It looks like he can't focus the buff on one particular individual. That's our only saving grace here. But still...'


Even if Lyra became an enemy to the Frozen Asgard, he could not use this buff with them as it was indiscriminate. Just because a group was in the same party did not mean the system to help with directing spells. The party function only assisted in experience distribution and communication. 


Frozen Asgard arts were primarily water and metal-type arts. Lyra would be helping the enemy if he used it in their presence. 


'But on the off chance he becomes good enough to buff only targets he chooses...'


Natasha released a small wisp of killing Intent that Will did not miss. The latter smirked at the former's action. 


The entire time the group had been running, Jingsung Ha had been lecturing Will on the importance of modifiable skills. Now it was time to test his theory. 

Hey guys, hope u had a good week. I just came from a week long power cut. the benefits of living in a country so poor we don't even have a currency lol (seriously Zimbabwe has no currency). I'm sorry for not being able to post but I'm resuming posting shortly. Tomorrow I'm adding more chapters to the patreon folder as we are approaching the midway point of this arc. Lastly, we need to thank our patrons: Claro Reyes, Jake Edwards, Mahkshum Akhmedov, Bald Taoist, Brayden Louck and Skyler Hicks :)

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