
A Friend Showed Up...

The fashion show began, and one by one, the models walked the runway, wearing prospective clothes to model. Everyone enjoyed the show and loved every bit of Mrs. Garcia's - as well as Sato's - creations. Since Ann also had to model three outfits, she also got her chance to walk before the show's finale.

After all the models that weren't doing the finale were finished, it was time for the conclusion.

Ashley was so nervous that she paced the room she was in. If it wasn't Sato's creation she was modeling and wearing in front of the elite, she would've backed down, ensuring everyone knew she wasn't a model but a businesswoman instead. 

Unfortunately, she couldn't do that to her former assistant. She owed him this much after all he's done for her. 

"Mrs. Jones, you look stunning in the gown!" Praised Sato as he waited for her turn to walk the runway. 

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