
Meet My Boyfriend

Ashley didn't know what to answer because, first of all, she doesn't know who is Tanaga's enemies. Second, she doesn't if Koji was acting or he really doesn't know what happened on the THJ Group Headquarters in Japan. 

Ashley prefers to reject him and use her family as an excuse. Cause it will be convincing if that is what she's going to say.

"Sir Hanada, I'm sorry! It's because I have a few more days left and I'm gonna be back in America. I just came back here because I received a call from my family saying there is an emergency. So, sir, Jones agreed while he was still on vacation." 

" And because all is settled, maybe tomorrow I'm gonna leave immediately. So I apologize, and I can't help you with your offer. " Ashley said while she can't look straight because she's lying and she might get caught. 

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