
Get your shit together

Lina was losing patience with the neon PM now. How could he act so cavalier and selfish when his idiocy and neglect was causing innocents to die in his own nation.

She looked at him icily.

"Is something the matter Mr. PM? Can we do something for you?"

Her voice was so cold, it sent shivers down everyone's backs.

The PM still didn't get the hint.

He got up from the chair lazily and stretched.

"Isn't this meeting slightly boring Ms. Mito? How about we let the subordinates sort it out, while I take you to a fancy place for lunch?"

In saying this, he shot Lina a devilish smile. In his mind, he was saving her from boring old work.

Lina was trying to hold back, but she couldn't anymore. She stood up abruptly and walked over to the neon PM.

"Get your shit together, you fool."

Everyone gasped. No one spoke to this arrogant man in that tone. The tantrum and consequences would be unimaginable! The chief advisor cringed, but didn't try to stop Lina.

Ayaka tried to say something to calm Lina down.

"Boss, please remain calm-"

But Lina put her hand up, signalling her to lay low while she handled this big baby herself.

"Do you have any idea what the impact of your decisions are? Do you know how many young children, men and women have died under your nose? Under your incompetent rule?!"

The PM was so taken aback, he couldn't speak. His mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"Have some sense of propriety, and grow up. You waltz in here, expecting my employees and your babysitter here-" she pointed to the sheepish looking chief advisor "to solve your problems, without an ounce of respect for people who work day and night to make the world a better place. Who are you to throw a tantrum? What have you achieved, besides flaunting your wealth and running after women?"

The PM turned red. The truth was, his father had been the leader of their political party and had died a few weeks before they came into power. He had used his position of power to wrestle the position of PM away from the people who were actually qualified to hold office.

He had wanted to be worshipped by the nation, and had spent public funds as he pleased to pursue his own pleasures.

"Ms. Mito..." he began to speak, trying to think of excuses. He didn't want Lina to be mad at him. He still looked so stunned.

"What is it? You better not make an excuse!" Lina scolded back.

"If I contribute and try my best to resolve this situation today with you and your team..." he paused.

Oh god. Lina knew what was coming.

"Then will Ms. Mito go on a date with me?"

At this point, even the bodyguards were cringing. How did their brainless PM not get the message?!

The chief advisor decided to speak up.

"Ms. Mito, let us just resolve the situation at hand, and then we can discuss...other matters."

He was clearly trying to save the PM from an outright rejection. She had ignored every advance of his, and politely refused to acknowledge the presents he had been sending her. She was never going to agree to go out with him!

He just couldn't handle another tantrum, and wanted to change the topic.

"No! I need an answer from Ms. Mito now!"

Lina was boiling with rage at this point and was about to use brute force to subdue him, without a thought.

But suddenly, he whipped out a document from his neon orange jacket pocket!

"Ms. Mito, I have the most irresistible present for you. I'm sure you will be swept off your feet!"

Mei almost fell to the ground at this point.

'The young master would behead you right here....' she thought to herself.

Lina was about to tear the paper to shreds, when she got a glimpse of the actual writing on the document.

She gasped.

It was a deed of possession over a renowned luxury villa located in one of the most sought after estates in the world.

The villa and estate was called "Amaranthine" which meant 'everlasting' or 'immortal' in ancient greek. This piece of land was a piece of heaven from legends, with the most enchanting of flora and fauna that existed nowhere else. The actual villa was as if it had been sculpted by the gods themselves.

It had always remained in the possession of the government as a national treasure.

Everyone who looked at the deed gasped. The chief advisor couldn't believe what the PM was gifting their policy consultant!

"Sir! This is impossible! This is a national property! You can't do this!"

He was getting frantic. But the PM dismissed him immediately. He turned to Lina again.

"Ms. Mito...Lina...please, this is a token of my everlasting love for you. It must be owned by someone who is as beautiful as this place. There is no one better than you."

At the PM's words, Lina fumed even more. Here he was, gifting away land and properties like they were toys, while the people in his country were dying!?

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