
The "JOB"

Souma Industries ,Kyoto , Japan

we could see a group of scientist running about in a lab full of futuristic equipment which any country would do any thing to get their hands on, in the middle of the lab a young man with long black hair and emerald green eyes with strange earrings wearing a lab coat can be seen running some tests on a spherical machine connected to various terminals ,

"Activate the x partical converter " ordered the young man towards a old scientist who looked to be in his 60's

"converter active, power output detected , 100 GW , 200 GW , 400 GW ,stabilizing at 800 GW , I-It's a success, IT'S A SUCCESS!!!!!!!" every scientist in the room started to shout and applaud while congratulating the young man for the success.

This young man was precisely ikki who had arrived in this universe 2 years ago , and right now he was the CEO as well as the head researcher in Souma Industries which he created over 2 years ago when he was forced to work by yasaka and kunou.

The reason why the scientists were celebrating was because the machine that ikki had designed was capable of harnessing a mysterious particle found abundantly on the planet commonly called as the x particle , it's specialty lie in the tremendous amount of energy stored in a single particle and no mater how much they draw these particles from the atmosphere it would seem that the planet would regenerate the particles in a matter of minutes hence it was known as the miracle of 21's century and the scientist who introduced the discovery of the particle was give many awards by the scientific community and this scientist is non other than ikki himself.

However if a person from the supernatural side of the world were to look at the particle then they would be able to recognize it immediately but it would be known by the name of mana to them,

ikki used his knowledge as a researcher from his previous life to attain phd in physics and genetics once again and proceeded to create his own company.

"Congratulations Souma-san you have achieved the dream of renewable clean energy all by yourself"

"I may have created the basic design for the machine but your team helped me fine tune it so we can say that the credit lies with the both of us " said ikki neutrally to the researcher who was already used to his way of talking .

"That may be so but let's talk about something else , have you asked yasaka-sama on a date yet ??"

asked the researcher, he was one of the few researchers who knew about the supernatural side of Kyoto.

"I have told you multiple time Kirigaya-san that we are not like that " replied ikki with a hint of irritation and sadness in his voice.

"Well , let's wrap up here and get ready for the press meet tomorrow we have a long day ahead " said ikki to the team who started to disconnect the machine from the central hub.

while ikki was heading out of his office his phone rang with a familiar ring which brought a smile to his face

"Well , let's see what the kid want's me to buy for her now" he said to no one and vanished from his spot with a replication of instant transmission

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