
Chapter 60

The were a few moments of silence as Kumagawa remained still. Seeing that there was finally a lull in the battle, Todoroki took the time to catch his breath. Then he heard something. Something... dark.

[Kuh, hu, hu, hu...]

It was a mirthless chuckle. Devoid of all humor, kindness, and amusement.

Kumagawa's head leaned back until he was looking straight upwards.

[Aha... Aha, ha... Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha!]

The teen began laughing at the top of his lungs. However it was the lack of emotion in it that set everyone on edge.

And just as suddenly as it started, it ceased. Kumagawa's head lowered back down to face Todoroki once more. And when it did, his smile was nowhere to be seen.


"What... did you say?" Todoroki asked in disbelief. He couldn't comprehend someone calling his goal to be pathetic.

"I said you're pathetic." Kumagawa responded. "You seem to think that you can make it through life by half-assing it. Well, let me tell you something," his eyes bore holes into Todoroki, almost as if he was staring into his soul. "That is nothing more than a delusion."

Todoroki snapped. "Are you calling my desire to spit on my shitty fathers pride a joke?!"

"No, not that. If it were for any other reason, I'd almost commend you on your resolve. But the reason you're using as an excuse is completely laughable." the no longer smiling teen took slow steps back and forth, almost as if he were a shark trying to hunt its prey. "I have no qualms at trying to get back at a shitty parent. I'm sure you have your reasons, and in your mind they're good. And I have no way of trying to sympathize with you as my parents gave me a pretty average childhood. But to surrender your life, just to spite your father, that makes you trash."

"What the hell do you know?! You just said you can't sympathize with me, so how would you know how I feel?! To be granted such an easy life with a Quirk like your own, I would give up my Quirk in an instant if I could for it!"

[... An easy life]

[... An easy life you say? ] Kumagawa repeated as his eyes looked down on Todoroki. [Don't talk like you know what my life is like. I've suffered more than you could possibly imagine. But even so, I still trudge on, giving it my all to win. You on the other hand, don't even want to 'win'. You just want to piss off daddy.] he then swung his arms outward dramatically.

[I propose to you a hypothetical; A Villain is terrorizing a city and you are the only Hero on site. The Villain has a Quirk that completely counters your ice. The longer you let him rampage, the more people will die. So here's my question to you; if your fire-half could beat him, would you use it and save countless lives? Or would you refuse and condemn them to death?]

Todoroki was stunned into silence at the question, as was most of the audience.

[Be careful on how you choose your answer. Remember, you have chosen to become a Hero, and right now, the entire country is waiting for your answer. Save others at the cost of something as pathetic as pride? Or leave them to die so daddy will feel bad? The one, or the many? Who is more important?]

Todoroki grit his teeth in anger. Kumagawa had him cornered. 'Was this his plan all along?! To put me on the spot with a tough choice?!'

[Tick-tock Todoroki. The longer you take to answer, the more these people lose faith in you.]




"But you want to become a Hero, right Shouto? It's okay. You are not bound by your blood. You can become whatever you want to be."

"FUCK MY FATHER!" roared the teen as he erupted in a blaze. "I'm gonna live my life the way I want to! And I want to be a HERO!"

Kumagawa's smile returned as he felt the blazing heat burn at his eyes.

[Correct answer!]

"SHOUTOOOOO!" came a cry from the audience.

Turning their heads to the source, everyone was greeted by the sight of Endeavor.

"It looks like you have finally accepted my power! Excellent!" he grinned as he stormed down the stairs. "You carry my blood and will surpass me someday! And you will fulfi-"

To everyones surprise, despite his mouth still moving, the words were no longer coming out of the Pro Heroes mouth. Realizing the abnormality, Endeavor began grasping at his throat to see if something was wrong.

[It seems your father was shouting so much that he burst his voice-box. What a shame.] Kumagawa said as he looked at the silently raging Pro with a smirk before returning his gaze to Todoroki.

[Now, where were we?]

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