
Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Seven: Liliya's happiness and Lady Themis debut Part 1

Last time, Liliya fought Lumière and spaced out because her brother talked to her for the first time.

Bao ran outside. Liliya, are you ok? Bao asked. I think she is ok Bao. I replied. Liliya smiles. Barachiel might hold up his title, but he still thinks about his little sister's wellbeing. I replied. He has never talked to me or call me Liliya ever. Liliya replied. Yumi ran over to Liliya. I didn't know you were contracted to a beast of that caliber? Ichiko asked. Scylla, yes. Liliya replied. That's so cool! Yumi yells. Scylla evaporates. Astrid walks outside if a portal. Hey you two, let's go before Izanami finds out. Astrid replied. Bao helps Liliya up, and they walk into the portal. Astrid turns around and looked at me.

Astrid, I didn't cause any wound on Liliya's body. I replied. I know she has her own battles to fight. This was just one. Astrid replied. As we were laughing and smiles in the air, Jedudiel appears. He negates Astrid's Magic. Astrid is surprised. She becomes anger and takes her necklace off and turns to a sword. She clashes with him. Astrid, do you know Jedudiel? I asked. Don't speak of my name you filth. Jedudiel replies. The two clashed more. Bao protects Liliya. A voice spoke. I see you are trying to uphold the teachings he has been teaching you; I see? Themis asked. Jedudiel adverted his eyes to Lady Themis. As Astrid attacks on Jedudiel's side. He pulled his weapon out. It wrapped around her wrist. Astrid! Bao yelled. Astrid looked at her wrist. When did he do this? Astrid thought. Celeste and Liliya, it's been a while. I see you have grown up in your own way. Themis replied. Lady Themis, it has been forever! I yelled. Haru, my little violet. Themis replied. Jedudiel releases her or else. Themis replied. She glared at Jedudiel, and a certain fear came into his eyes. He released Astrid, and she glared at him. Aunt Themis! Liliya yelled. She ran over and gave her a big hug. She cries. Why are you here? I asked. One, to keep tabs on a corrupt man. The second reason is because Ino has a secret and I want to expose her. Themis replied. Gabriel walks outside. Lady Themis, it's been forever since I last seen you. Gabriel replied. Gabriel Higashiyama, never a dull moment in life? Themis asked. If my daughter caused you any trouble. Gabriel replied. She never troubles me. Themis replied. I have a faint smile. Ichiko walks over to Themis. Your Themis? Themis, one of the twelve? Ichiko asked. Oh, I am nothing like the others, Ichiko Zephyrus. Themis replied. How do you know my real name? Ichiko asked. Your father is a well-renowned wind mage. Themis asked. I have to leave now, Liliya. Themis replied. Barachiel walked outside a portal.

Stay Tuned.

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