
Arz and Udyat

After letting all his frustration escape with a powerful curse-laden scream towards the self-proclaimed Samsara System, he sat down on the forest floor to further analyze his situation.

After being in limbo for ten thousand years (according to the Samsara System) he had apparently been reborn into the world he himself had chosen. However, there were two reasons to curse the Samsara System.

First, he had chosen 'Demon' as his race. However, no matter how it looked, he was completely human!

Second, despite being reborn, his previous memories had been lost and most likely had it not been for his choice of the 'Knowledge of Another World' skill he would never have recovered them.

"What kind of bad service is this? Isn't it supposed I should be a Demon?"

[Answer; you are a Half-Demon]

"Huh? Samsara system?" -when he heard that familiar voice in his mind, he must have contained his anger to try to get answers.

[Negative, I am the secondary skill of 『 Eye of Horus』, 『 Omniscience 』 that has currently been downgraded to 『Assistant 』]

"What's the difference?"

[As 『Omniscience』I could give you any knowledge about this world. As 『Assistant』I could only assist you based on your own knowledge, however, thanks to your skill『Knowledge of Another World』 I have access to the knowledge of 『Another World』]

"W-what convenient... but why the degradation?"

[Since you didn't have mana to use 『Restoration』, I was forced to sacrifice other secondary skills to preserve your life. Do you want an exact list of the changes?]

"N-no... I think I'll pass..." -simply knowing about 'Omniscience' was enough to feel an abysmal loss, so he preferred not to know about other lost or degraded abilities.

[Would you like my assistance on another subject?]

"Mmm... about me being a Half-Demon, what did you mean by that?"

[Suggestion; I can show you your status for you to see for yourself, would you like to proceed?]


[Name: not acquired]

[Race: Human/Demon『Incubus 』]

[Level: 6]

[Innate Skills: 『 Eye of Horus』-『 Seed of Zeus』-『Charisma of Freya 』-『 Knowledge of Other World』]

[Racial Skills: Unweakened]

[Skills Acquired: Not Acquired]

[Mana: C]

[Potential: D]

[Titles: not acquired]

In his mind appeared what could only be described as the status window of some RPG video game character.


[Information; Demon that possesses abilities to manipulate the mind. Their racial skill 『 Sexual Cultivation 』 allows them to improve their level through intercourse, recover lost Mana, restore their health and even prolong their life. In contrast, their fertility rate is extremely low]

"I knew what an Incubus was... I guess in this world it's much more complex... but does that mean that man is a demon?" -Dan's father came into his mind.

[Negative, the individual called『Feuran Ezith』its fully human]

Feuran Ezith was the name of Dan Ezith's father.

"Is that so? No, for now it doesn't matter... what I'd like to know is, why doesn't my supposed name appear in the status?"

[Answer; with the awakening of your ability 『 Knowledge of Other World』 the consciousness of the individual named『Dan Ezith』has been devoured by you, and since your body has been modified by your skill 『Charisma of Freya』this world considers you a completely new individual. Would you like to acquire a name at this time?]

"Wait a minute... can you give me a description about skill Charisma of Freya?"

[Information; 『Charisma of Freya 』 innate passive skill able to evolve. In its first stage it radically modifies the individual's body to give it an appearance of unparalleled beauty.]

"Skill able to evolve...? No! All right... I think I don't want to know more about it for now" -his head was starting hurt, he didn't even want to try to imagine the possible standard of beauty that this ability had given to a man.

He took a deep breath to force himself to forget that he had chosen the skill 'Charisma of Freya' with health and magical benefits in mind.

"Let's go back to my name..."

[What's your choice of name?]

"Any suggestions...?"

[Suggestion; You are the bearer of 『Eye of Horus』so it is recommended that you take the name; 『Horus』or『Osiris』]

"Haha... wouldn't that turn you into Udyat?"

[Instruction accepted, renamed『Assistant 』to『Udyat 』]

"You really are too diligent... if only you could change that annoying voice" -the assistant now renamed to Udyat used the same voice as the Samsara System, which caused a slight irritation in him.

[Voice change of『Udyat 』possible. Would you like to use 『 Knowledge of Other World』as a source for acquiring a new voice?]

"Can you do something like that?"

[Affirmative. I can emulate any voice from this world and 『 Other World』to your choice]

"In that case... Sho Hayami!"

[Acquiring information from 『 Other World』with『 Knowledge of Other World』. Voice information from 『 Sho Hayami』 acquired. Voice emulation completed]

Udyat's voice changed from a monotonous female voice devoid of emotion to a male voice of deep intonation.

"Oh, you really sound like him!... it's disturbing that I have this kind of memories, but I don't remember anything about myself..."

[Theory: your ten-thousand-year period in the Limbo was as stressful as leading you to lose your sanity and later, madness led you to forget yourself to the point of completely forgetting your personal memories. Possibly of having remained for a longer period in the Limbo, your memories of 『 Other World』would have been affected]

"You know... there are things about it's better not to theorize..." -he shook his head slightly to forget about the subject, the only thing that mattered was its topicality.

[What's your choice of name?]

"Horus isn't a bad name, but don't you think it's better to use a name according to this world?"

[Generating list of possible human and demon names of this world]

His mind was suddenly inundated with a colossal number of names that ended up overwhelming him.

"A human name, a human name, I leave it to you…!" -with his mind overwhelmed, he was barely able to give those vague instructions.

[Proceeding. Engraving name in status; Arz Horus]

"So, in the end you did what you wanted... it doesn't matter..." -Arz still resented in his mind the previous excess of information, so he decided to forget about it.

[Is there anything else I can be of use to you?]

Arz stood up, looked around and let out a long sigh.

"First of all, I would like to be in a safer place..." -a powerful howl was heard in the distance.

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