
You Guys Are The Worst

The Costa house had four bedrooms. Because of the frequency of the Burnetts visiting, the guest room Rhonda usually used had a queen bed and the other one had bunk beds.

Every time they visited, the girls did rock-paper-scissors to see who had to sleep on the couch. This time Lily and Emily lost out and slept in the living room so Emily woke up in a panic when she heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen and fell off the couch tangled in her blanket.

"You just dropped the turkey!"

"No I didn't! It fell off the counter on its own but it's fine because nothing hit the floor. It landed the right way up."

"Sauce flew out everywhere though."

"Then clean it up!"

"You clean it up!"

In her groggy state, she vaguely recognized Sam's and Justin's voices but she wasn't quite sure who had dropped the turkey. Emily disentangled herself and padded into the kitchen in her bright green fuzzy socks.

"What happened?"

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