
Family talk

After lunch Yash takes permission from Kaira's parents he went to his car .Kaira was walking Yash out towards his car. On reaching the car Yash looked towards Kaira. As she was a foot shorter than Yash. Kaira looked up. When she got mesmerized by his smile. God is really not fair how can he be so smart. As Yash was just trying to understand what's wrong with her . She gave him a peck on his cheek and ran from their. It took few minutes for yash to realize what actually happened. He just smiled and entered the car.

When this sweet love was blooming their was a person who was actually watching this and was not happy with the progress.

After yash left, Back in Kaira's house everything seems to be normal. During the dinner Ravi told her parents "I had applied for an internship few days back and fortunately I got selected and Now I need to be their by the end of next month"

This was not something new for Mr and Mrs bajaj they always knew how keen their neard daughter is for her studies.

Mr bajaj just said, "You can't rush for everything Ravi you need to wait for the right time, you have still not finalized your college. We cannot rush every time."

"Darling calm down you know our baby girl , just take a look at her plan and then we can decide alright?" Mrs bajaj said.

Ravi just nodded her head and keeping her head low. She kept on eating her meal silently.What nobody was aware this time that Ravi was actually fighting with her internal devils and she just wanted to leave early because she doesn't want to do something which she will regret and secondly she had already made her mind to have a fair fight with Kaira to win Yash over and she knows this is not the right time their are many things on which she needs to work on and she is was aware that this is not right , but she truly loved Yash she can't let his memories go too. So she have decided to take a break so that she can first understand their relationship and then work on herself.

After dinner everyone went to their respective room. But Kaira and Vivan decided to go to their sister room, to have a sibling talk.

"Di " they both said in unison. just as ravi turned back she saw both her siblings entering the room."Are you guys aware that entering someone's room without knock is a bad habit?" she stated.

"Huh what do you mean by someone's else it's my sister room , and I don't know what this adopted kid doing here" vivan said before looking towards Kaira.

Kaira glared at him and said "You are the adopted one I am telling you , I am gonna kill you if you are not going to stop with these bullshit of your "

"Oh my poor girl , I know truth is bitter but you still need to accept it " Vivan said laughingly.

Before kaira could reply , Ravi said if you both are here for your bickering trust me I will kick you both out right now"

"He started it he always do this di, how can you suddenly decide to leave early we haven't even done your shopping, their is a lot more we need to do how can you decide this without even thinking about us. You know I don't even know how to make friends , with whom will I share my secrets with now? What about our secret talks? " Kaira said.

"Stop being overdramatic it's not like I am dying I am just going for studies and we are always a call apart. plus I will always come for vacations and you need to grow up girl" Ravi replied.

"Still di , how can you just decide to leave a year earlier?" Kaira said.

"I was just suffering through the website when I got to know about this Internship and it will help me to boast my carrier , I was actually planning this from long...." before ravi could complete her sentence Vivan said

"Di have you ever lived your life , look atleast I go out with girls and my friends for fun but you have not even enjoyed a single day, you don't have any friends except your books and now you have even decide to leave year early wasting your fun year , can't you just live and enjoy with us for one year? And this was actually the real plan right that you will enjoy this one year before leaving for your carrier? So how can you do this? "

"Sometimes future is unpredictable baby and we need to make compromise so as to not make some mistakes. And can you please stop being overdramatic?"

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