
Change, Fight, and The Scheme

Today I begin my change, I wear cologne that was my fathers even though I never used cologne before because I heard she said it sometimes ago that she hates the smell of cologne.

Today I used lenses contact that I bought but never have courage to use also I could use this thing because somehow my eyesight is becoming better that usual.

Today I properly used hair wax to dress my hair.

Today my dad, grandparents, brother, driver is surprised to see me in such appearance because the change is too big, I might never say this but I am considered handsome when I take off my glasses or so Jessica said.

Truly the change is too big because on the school majority of my classmate couldn't recognize me, only some in my and Jessica's group could tell.

This lunch Jessica launched the plan I told her, she talked to Mario the class president with excuse of not understanding some homework. I know it's cliché but most cliché work perfectly just like this one.

I looked at them talking and laughing especially Jessica, she seem to felt cheerful just by talking to him and their conversation gradually derailed from the homework.

It is a good sign, well I finished my lunch quickly and left the classroom to do a stupid thing.

I then arrived at the bullies 'headquarters' it is a secluded alley that is usually never visited by students except them.

There I see a group of five male students smoking there, huh… what a cliché but it is still exciting.

Today I will test if my theory is right even if I am wrong the consequences is just me getting hurt.

So I approach them and when they noticed me one of them approached me and talked in a gangster way and once again it is cliché, huh… is IRL made of cliché.

"oy… what are you doing here huh!!!"

He said this while flicking his cigarettes butt toward me but I didn't say any and I just smile while approaching him to.

Suddenly I just punched in the stomach making him bend over and crumbled to the ground, just in case I kicked him real hard on the stomach,

Looking back at the remaining four, I saw their astonished face changed quickly into anger and they rushed toward me with their fist ready to beat me. Then I purposely let their punch hit me on the opposingly, it mean if I let one of them hit me on the chest I will have one of them punch me on the back to.

After getting hit a pain flashed in the punched place but then it flashed away like I was never punched.Then I punched the nearest one in the face making him step back while holding his face. The others quickly resumed their punched but I just rushed toward the punched guy and I kneed him on the balls.

And it is two down and three left, the others panicked a little but they kept punching me, too bad you guys should have restrained me it would be more effective.

Turning back I kicked with all of my might making the one I kicked knocked into the one beside him.

The only one standing is about to run but I already caught up too him and I jumped one his running back, after he got knocked into the ground I rained punches into his back until I was sure that he will be down completely.

Looking back I saw the one I kicked holding his waist painfully while the other one is already up and looking terrified. Seeing that I turned my attention to him he tried to run but behind him was a wall since I was standing on the only exit .

I walk step by step in no hurry then I kicked the one that is still holding his waist on the stomach, unexpectedly he vomited. A little of the vomit got smeared on my pants, so I kicked him on the stomach 'gently' since he already vomited.

Seeing this the one left standing got scared and he suddenly kneeled down while begging for forgiveness.

"alright I forgive you"

The last one lifted his face with relief. '"really?"


Suddenly I hit him on the chin effectively knocking him out, after all even the cornered mouse can lash out into the cat.

"yeah I forgive you all for sins that you never committed toward me"

It might seem cruel and it is, but they are quiet bad too they got students to 'lend' them money, they molest some female student although they never raped as far as I know, they stole many thing from students openly, and many more but since i was tall at 182 cm they didn't dare to mess with me.

Then I cleaned any footprints on their clothes that may be left since kicked them and since I just punched never grabbed there shouldn't be any finger prints left.

Looking at my clothes it became very clear my super power only affect me and me only, it will return me into my 'original' state since last night I tried sleeping drugs but I felt normal or maybe my superpower granted certain resistance toward poison since medicine could be said as poison too.

I come back to the class with no sign of fighting and the school continued just like that but at the end of the school there is an announcer that announce me to go to the headmaster room, Jessica looked worried but I just teased her about Mario and she fled from the classroom quickly.

I expected this since one of the reason that these bullies is being let be is because their parents is a little powerful well nothing compared to my national food company like my grandparents but their parents like to flaunt it.

As expected they are there the five wounded bullies along the principle and vice- principle.

"Michael there have been reported of your assault toward these five students, do you have anything to say toward that?"

The principle that speak with a voice tone that make his world seem like a statement not a question.

Still I smiled in my heart because I already anticipated this and this situation excite me.

"of course I have principle how could you do this, I would never do that beside where is their evidence to report me just like that"

Clearly the principle, vice- principle, and these five didn't expect me to answer like that, perhaps they thought I will be scared of them, hmph… laughable.

The principle then looked at the five clearly asking for them to give explanation too.

Then they begin to shout many thing but finally one thing caught the principle's attention that is "he should be very bruised on his body since we punched him all together"

This is could be a double edged sword to them even though if it was successful but still I will follow their act.

"so you will show us your body since you are not at fault right Michael?" the principle asked

"how could you asked me to take off my clothes" I said hurriedly as if I panicked about something.

Clearly my act deceive them. The principle then starred at the five bullies while saying "if they are wrong I will punish them with suspension for five days for lying and making false report" he stopped for a moment and saw that these five nodded their head, seeing that he continued " but if you continue to be uncooperative I will have to be forced to hand over this case to police"

Acting all terrified I hurriedly agree and buttoned off my uniform.

"this is enough right I didn't have any wound on my body, see" I said after fully taking off my upper uniform.

The woman vice-principle took a moment to admire my lean and slightly muscled body but these five is a little shocked since they clearly know they punches me repeatedly to leaves bruises.

The principle looked at those five with a face clearly saying 'what now?' but one of them suddenly remembered and shouted.

" I remember!!! Haqi vomited into his pants after being kicked by him!!!" he clearly pointed his finger at me.

It seem he is the one that I last knocked out. Still I acted as if I want to hid one of my leg behind the other.

"even if he washed it, it will still smell surely"

The principle then asked me with a straight face for me to strip my pants and lend it to him so he can smell it, I almost laughed out loud hearing this.

"but what if they are wrong again, I couldn't accept this, why should I give my pants to you!" I purposely used a weak reason and anxious voice to trick them.

After repeating the pervious scene the principle increased the punishment to a week and they have to write a letter of apology toward the school and me.

I 'relucantly' took of my pants to give to him and buttoned up my uniform , the principle handed my pants to the five after he smelled it.

Two of them, the one that vomited and the one that I finished the last seem couldn't accept it and tried to vomit into my pants but I throw a book from the book shelves beside me.

Suddenly I changed my tone of voice with a goading one "it is not good you know to plant fake evidence."

"you actually dare to assault a student in front of me!"

"you know principle I am just preventing a crime" and before he continued to speak I continued "and i have recorded the previous scene using a mini hidden camera that can capture picture and voice at very high quality around me, so it is better for principle to just do what you agreed on the video and I clearly know you took their side so I don't need any more word from you just give my pants back so I can go back!!!"

Clearly they are shocked, is it because of the camera, of course or perhaps because the change on my tone is too fast. Still the vice-principle then respectfully give my pants back to me.

After I exited the principle's room I laugh "hahahahha…." Because I always wanted to try to do this imitating the main character on the anime, novel, comic, manga just to be cool, I even explained my plot to them like some low-level villain.

Still it was pretty funny of them to not eve question if I even really have the camera or not, maybe they just panicked, I wonder if they will find trouble for me when their mind is cleared.

When I exited the gate my driver is already waiting so without anymore word I go back to my house.

this is the last one this week

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