

Chapter 39 Freshman Assessment

  Time is the most ruthless, and three months have passed in a flash.

  In the past three months, with his superb barbecue skills, Huo Yuhao's barbecue trio has also become famous among Shrek Academy.

  Whether it is freshmen or senior students, they can be regarded as getting to know them.

  Especially after hearing that Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong teamed up to defeat Xu Sanshi, a fifth-grade "senior student", their fame has also risen to the next level.

  After all, among freshmen, there are really few people who dare to defy "senior students" like Xu Sanshi, let alone directly defeat Xu Sanshi.

  Tang Ya also seemed to have no grudges, and became a loyal eater of the barbecue trio.

  Xu Sanshi seemed to have changed his temper, and he really didn't bother Jiang Nannan anymore. He came to Xiaoho Barbecue every day and waited for grilled fish.

  After Jiang Nannan endured the pain and paid five copper coins, he also became a member of the barbecue trio.

  While earning the students' small wealth, Huo Yuhao taught Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao how to use every move in life to train methods of controlling soul power.

  After three months, they have also gained a lot.

  And although Wang Dong still hides his identity, he no longer dresses up as a boy as he did when he first came to Shrek Academy.

  In three months, Huo Yuhao also raised his soul power to Level 20. As long as he absorbs a soul ring, he can successfully advance to the level of the Great Soul Master.

  On this day, Zhou Yi, who had always been expressionless, brought new news.

  "Three months have passed since the start of school.Next, you will also usher in the first assessment of Shrek Academy."

  "Only by passing this assessment can you officially become a first-year student, truly join Shrek Academy, and become a member of the academy."

  "If nothing else, at least until the graduation assessment of the first-year students, you will all be able to stay in the college and practice all the time."

  "The assessment will start tomorrow. Today I will talk about the key points of the assessment."

  Zhou Yi glanced at the one hundred students below, feeling extremely depressed.

  In three months, without their own "inculcation"" these students actually practiced, and the effect seemed to be far better than her running method.

  This is simply an incredible thing for Zhou Yi.

  She gave up the free-range treatment, but it was better than the method she learned from "Master Sages Yu Xiaogang"?

  This is not reasonable!This is not scientific!

  Zhou Yi couldn't help but turn his gaze slightly towards Huo Yuhao.

  According to her in-depth understanding, although she designated Wang Dong as the monitor of the first class, not to mention the other students in the first class, even Wang Dong, the monitor, did what Huo Yuhao said.

  Some unknown teachers still think that she has changed her sex and changed her teaching methods to achieve such an achievement.

  But that bitch Mu Jin was born against her. Whenever someone felt that way, Mu Jin would tell the truth to the teacher, making Zhou Yi's teeth itchy with hatred.

  Over time, her reputation as Old Lady Zhou has plummeted, and all the efforts she has made in the past have been made into wedding dresses.

  "Wang Dong."Zhou Yi shouted.

  "Here!"Wang Dong was still sitting in the first row, and when he heard Zhou Yi calling to him, he stood up abruptly.

  Zhou Yi couldn't help nodding slightly. Although Wang Dong also followed Huo Yuhao's words, he still listened to her anyway and had a little respect for himself. Unlike Huo Yuhao, he regarded her as nothing at all.

  If Zhou Yi knew that Wang Dong's respect for her was all Huo Yuhao's orders, he would probably vomit three liters of blood.

  "Wang Dong, you should show a little respect to the old woman that week, lest she run away and change to an unfamiliar teacher, I will have to trouble again."

  Thinking of what Huo Yuhao had said to him, Wang Dong couldn't help but feel sad for Zhou Yi silently in his heart for a second.   

  Zhou Yi waved to Wang Dong and handed over a stack of paper.

  "After the freshman assessment is over, the classes will be re-assigned.Write down the direction of your future cultivation and leave it to me later."

  The cultivation direction that Zhou Yi refers to is the original classification of soul masters. The tendency of different types of soul masters to practice is very different. Even Shrek Academy knows this, and Zhou Yi naturally dare not do it.

  "To make a long story short, the freshman assessment is mainly based on combat, and it is a battle that everyone has to participate in.You will be divided into teams of three. Each team can only have a maximum of one attacking soul master, and the other two will be assigned at will."

  "When assigning teams, in principle, priority is given to students in the same dormitory to form a team.Others are free to combine, and if they have not completed the free combination, they will be decided by drawing lots."

  Having said that, Zhou Yi looked around the large classroom of 100 people, "If there is no combination of personnel, they will team up with the personnel of other classes."

  "Finally, let me talk about the assessment rules."

  "The competition uses a lottery system. Each group of student teams must fight at least ten battles, and will eventually be ranked according to the number of wins."

  "The top 64 teams will be eliminated.The top four in the knockout stage will have different rewards from the academy."

  "And... the rewards of the champion team will be cherished very much."

  "In addition...Song Qinghan."Zhou Yi shouted in a deep voice.

  "Here."A somewhat thin student stood up.

  Zhou Yi said: "Every head teacher of the freshman class can propose a special enrollment to pass the assessment directly. I selected you."

  "I think you are more suitable for practicing in the soul guidance department. Do you have any questions?You only have two choices now, either give me the soul guide system, or pack up and leave."

  Speaking of the end, Zhou Yi couldn't help but increase his tone and reveal his nature.

  After being suppressed by Huo Yuhao for three months, Zhou Yi couldn't help showing his strength again when facing this thin student.

  However, what she didn't expect was that she had already inquired about Song Qinghan's desire to study in the Department of Soul Guidance, but at this time, Song Qinghan was a little hesitant.

  Song Qinghan's gaze wandered in the direction of Huo Yuhao.

  Although he originally came to Shrek Academy with the purpose of entering the Soul Guide Department to learn soul guide technology.

  But in these three months, he was deeply impressed by Huo Yuhao.

  Huo Yuhao undoubtedly wants to enter the martial soul system. If he enters the soul guidance system, can he still follow in Huo Yuhao's footsteps?

  What's more, although Huo Yuhao is also extremely strong, under normal circumstances, as long as he doesn't provoke him, Huo Yuhao is still very easy-going.

  Accustomed to Huo Yuhao's attitude, Zhou Yi's involuntary strength just now made him feel rebellious.

  He even gave birth to the idea of "even Brother Yuhao can treat people with a pleasant face, and you dare to yell at me if you are anything."

  "What?Are you really going to pack up and leave?"Zhou Yi squinted his eyes, his face very unsightly.

  "Teacher Zhou, don't I really have no right to choose?"

  After a long silence, Song Qinghan said.


  (End of this chapter)

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