
Ch. 30 - Earlier Than Expected

After a while Xiao Huoyan suddenly broke free from the family hug.


Tian Xin did not understand why Xiao Huoyan reacted the way he did. His complexion turned ashen.

"They are here…"

He said it more like a whisper.

"Who is here? I can not see anyone."

"… The people from the Jin Clan… They arrived much earlier than expected…"

"What?! They are here?! Now?!", Tian Mei asked.

One could clearly hear the panic within her voice.

"How did they find you so fast?!", Tian Xin almost yelled with a shocked expression on her face.

"I-I do not know…"

"What are we going to do now?", Tian Mei asked while trying to keep her calm.

"'We' are not going to do anything… You will stay here, while I go out to take care of the people from the Jin Clan."

"How can you just go out there alone?! Since Jin Niao knows about your powers, I am sure that he would not show up without a plan. Since he dares to show up, I am almost certain that he has already come up with a way to counter your powers!"

"He would not be able to counter powers that he is still unaware of."

"You mean…"

"Mhm. He does not know everything. Not even Jin Long knew about everything. Besides… There are things that I recently discovered. I have yet to try them out, but I am positive that he does not have anything at his disposal, that could possibly kill me.

I am not an Immortal, but I heal very fast. Even if he were to personally come and take my heart out and pulverize it right in front of me, I would still heal extremely fast. It is only a matter of seconds."

"But does that not make you an Immortal?!"

"No, it does not. Or at least I do not think it does. I am pretty sure that I would die if you drain my body of blood."

"Then is it not impossible to kill you?"

"It is just a theory…"

"How come you never told us about this before, little brother?"

"I do not know. It did not come to mind before…"

"You are unbelievable…", Tian Xin said while sighing.

"Anyways! If I do not come back in half an hour, wait here for at least two days, then crack these orbs to get out of here."

"But I want to come with you", Tian Xin said while grabbing Xiao Huoyan's hand.

"You can not. I care about both you and mother. Right now, you are the only family I have left. I will not let anybody hurt you. As long as I am alive, no one shall ever even think about harming you!"



"Yes, mom?"

"I think you should listen to your brother. Even if both of us were to go out and help him, we would only be a burden. This is the Jin Clan that we are talking about. We would not be of any help even if we were to go out."

"… Fine. I will stay."

"Thank you for understanding."

After he said that, he just disappeared in a cloud of white mist.


Xiao Huoyan did not show himself in the beginning. He just hid in the shadows and observed everything.

"Jin Xin! Jin Xin! We know you are here! Follow us back to the Jin Clan!"

Jin Niao had shown up with an entire army of people from the Jin Clan. He was now shouting loudly for 'Jin Xin' to come out.

"Why are you all here so early? I anticipated you to come in a few days, but you must have been really impatient. And you even seem to have forgotten that my name is not Jin Xin. When Jin Long died, Jin Xin died with him."

"You! … Where are you? Show yourself!"

"You are not worthy. Had it not been for the fact that you are Jin Long's brother, I would not even bother to speak to you."

Even though everyone could here Xiao Huoyan's voice, no one could see him. They could not even figure out in which direction his voice came from.

"How dare you?! Have I been treating you well all for nothing?!"

"How exactly have you been treating me well? Please tell me if it was before or after you left me to die and fled when we got attacked? It is strange indeed… I can not seem to remember when you have ever treated me well."

"I always cared for you! How could you say such a thing?"

"Give up the act already. It is beginning to become boring. I know that you are here to kill me. I also know about your involvement in the accident involving my Jin Long."

"H-how… How can you-… What do you mean?!"

"Since you do not seem to remember, allow me freshen up your memory. There is no poison under the heavens, which I can not cure!"

"How did you know?! This is impossible!"

"I read your mind the first time we met. I know everything about you, including the jealousy that you have always felt towards your brother."

"You! Y-you are spouting nonsense!"

"We both know whether my words are true or not. No need to get so upset, hahaha."

Xiao Huoyan's laughter was filled with mockery. He wanted Jin Niao to know that he really looked down on him.

"How could a little boy like you possibly read minds? Are you not just making this up to slander me?", Jin Niao said mockingly.

"You truly are a fool, hahah! Hm…"

"What? Can you not come up with any more lies? Hahaha!"

"Hm… I see your spirit essence is still very unstable…"

"What did you say?! How could you know--?!"

"I am the cause, so of course I would know about it."

"What do you mean?!"

"Back at the mansion, I accidently absorbed most of your spirit essence. Though I do not regret it now, it really was an accident, so do not blame me too much."

Even though none of the people from the Jin Clan could see him, they could all feel his smile through his words.

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