

Cedric opened the door and looked ta the girls in bed. "What a pleasant sight to see. Yuki did I not give you enough blood?" Looking at the two his eyes flash ebony as he steps into the room with Adam.

Adam's eyes flash angrily, "what are you doing?"

Yuki flashes behind Adam and pins him quickly to the wall. "Here is the deal fire demon. Nao is mine and will always be mine. If you flash your anger at me, I will take it as an attack. Nao knows the laws of vampires so you -better get educated before I have to do something to you." She backs away from him and teleports to Cedric. ~As a warning if I can subdue Cedric I can and will subdue you.~

Adam calmed down and looked at Yuki. ~Sorry, I do not know what is going on with me. I never meant to show you my anger. Please forgive me.~ Adam Bowed to Yuki and then stood up leaving the room.

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