
173 Girl Chatter

"Since you are all good to go may we take off now?" Cedric looked up and watched Tyler nod his head. "Thank you, if you need us we will be on the ship. Please remember to share everything with Serina." Cedric guided the boat back to the ship and connected it to the ship and they slowly moved up.

"Is the weight impeding the accent? We seem to be moving slower than last time." Yuki was sitting upright and watching as they moved up.

"Yes, it is a lot of weight. Today we will start with cooking the critters we pulled yesterday. On the ship, we do have a holding area. I will show it to you that way we will be able to keep these critters from dying." Cedric looked over at Yuki smiling.

"I am looking forward to seeing where this holding area is. I definitely do not want these creatures to die. What I mean to say is die before we cook them. I know that they will die once they are cooked." Yuki sees the edge of the ship and smiles.

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