

Then for Asheim! ~Shanana!~ If all this new common knowledge is true then it should be a breathtaking sight to behold! 

I concentrate on the big pathway and from one second to the next, I stand on a big platform made out of crystal. Around me are blue crystal towers! Wow! Everything is sparkling! 

So dizzy!? Why? It's beautiful but everything is spinning.... 


Ah! I fell on my back. "HhhhHHh!" Why is it so hard to breathe? 

"Ah... another newby! And a hot one at that! Do you want to go on a date?" A male guard comes into my view. 


"Don't you see that she is suffocating!" A female guard instantly hit her co-worker. "Hey, newby! Concentrate on your mana and release it through your body. The air on this world is toxic. You have to heal and enforce yourself by strengthening your aura!" 

"Geh! Why do you bother? Most of them suffocate anyway. We patch them up and it's done. Teaching newbies is a waste of time. Even if they are hot chicks! And it's easier to hit on them if they think that they owe you a favour." -male guard 

My power! That bastard guard! I search for the power within myself and start to release it through my body. "Haaaaa! That feels much better!" 

The female guard pulls me to my feet. "Don't take it too serious. It's a joke amongst the gods to send the new arrivals here without telling them about the environment. That's why we are stationed here. It's too bothersome to deal with the dead bodies of newbies." 

The guard smirks at me. Are those Chimerans? Idiots! Station a healer here! What if someone doesn't get the trick in time! 

"So? What about the date newbie?" The male guard asks me with lecherous eyes. 

"~~If you run a hundred thousand laps around this platform within the day I might consider it~~"

"Really?!" -male guard 


The guard starts running. No chance in hell that he will manage it. Mwahaha! Punishing evildoers is the best! I love it! 

"That's a neat little trick newbie! But don't do it again or I will throw you into the prison! Disrespecting the law is heavily punished. I will overlook it this time because he is an idiot." The female guard smirks at me. 

Oh, no! I didn't even think about this! This could have ended badly. "Oh... Thank you! I guess I was carried away. Can you give me directions? I am completely new to this god-business." 

"Sure. You see the big central tower? At it's feet is a big plaza with stores and the evaluation centre. You can get yourself registered there. Have a nice day." -female guard 

I wave at the female guard and start to walk towards the central tower. No need to rush! There is so much to see! A town out of crystals! Now that's what you call a place for gods! 

Not bad at all. Who knew that the Chimerans had such a sparkling taste? While I walk, I realize that this town is very lively! There are people... uh.. gods.. people... well I guess we are still people? Anyway! There are so many people here! 

They are trading goods or talking. And they all look different. There are so many different races, I rarely see more than one or two individuals who look similar. 

After a while I arrive at the plaza. Ha! I am proud! I didn't even get lost! But I suppose it would be sad to lose your direction with a really big tower bathing the city in it's shadow. 

Now I just have to ask someone for this registration thingy! I choose a shop owner, who doesn't look very busy. 

"Excuse me! Can you tell me where you can register yourself as a new god?" I decide to be blunt. 

"Over there at the foot of the tower miss!" The shop owner points out the direction. 

That's when my eyes fall onto the price tags on his goods. The goods are all made out of crystal and the finest materials I have ever seen. 

"What is GP?" I am looking at a fine looking mirror which is tagged with fifty thousand GP! 

"Those are guildpoints young lady. A guildpoint is equivalent to a decent meal." The shop owner gives me a short answer and I thank him while I turn to leave. 

Those things are fucking expensive! But I guess that gods would only trade luxury items to each other. What a bother. So I probably can't afford anything in this city! 





Hmmm? What's that voice? Is someone in danger? Strange. Nobody is paying any attention to the screams? 

"Miss! Above! Evade! They are jumping again!" The shop owner from earlier calls out to me. 

Huh? Above? WaWaWaWa! Falling bodies! 

"AAAAAAAA!" *Thud* 

Waa! So close that almost.... HIII! 

"HAHAHAHA!" *Thud* 

There are more! 

"HOHOHOHO!" *Thud* 

"KYAAAAA!" *Thud* 

"I won! I WON! HA!" "Again!" "Sis.... you got one!" "Nice! It's hard to hit one!" "Hn! They get better at evading every day!" 

"Owie! That hurt!" They fell on me! Two of them! 

"Miss are you okay?" 

I look up and realize that a red haired demon is holding her hand towards me. A real demon! With horns and tail! I thought those exist just in fairy tails and as statues above my mothers house! 

"Um. Thanks. I guess I am not injured. My name is Sharid and I am new here." Ugh. Why do the eyes of that demon sparkle so suddenly? 

"I am Seria! You are a new god? Welcome to Asheim! Those are my little sisters. Lada, Eris and Arianne!" The red haired beautiful girl introduces me to the other three members of her party. 

The family resemblance is outstanding. Horns, tails and faces. Just that the little sisters have black hair instead of Seria's blood red colour. 

"Um thanks. I was just about to get myself registered when you fell on me. Why did you even fall from the tower! Did someone throw you?" Is this some kind of punishment here? 

"It's a game!" "You have to jump and hit people!" "Wanna try?" 

The little sisters answer my question in an unexpected way. "Um. Sorry. I will pass on that!" 

"You could be the target!" "The others here got too good at evading!" "Wanna try?" 

"I have to register myself first! Maybe we can play when I have an idea of my situation." Or NEVER! I won't jump, nor will I be a target! 

"Then we will continue." "You know where we are!" "Just wait down here if you want to train evasion!" 

The three kids disappear and Seria gives me an apologetic look. "They are a little to enthuiastic about this game. Please don't be mad at them. Want me to give you a little guided tour? There is much to see in Asheim!" 

I bow to Seria. "That would be very helpful, but I can't reward you!" 

"Hahaha! There is no need for a reward! Come to the registration first! That will take some time. I am also curious about your divinities!" Seria grabs my hand and pulls me along. 

Soon after I am before a female examiner who is taking my information like name, gender, age, political alignment..... 

"So, that's done then. Welcome as a new god, Sharid. Here is your identification crystal with all your data and 1000 GP as a starting capital." -Examiner 

"1000GP!" I shout out in surprise. 

"It's nothing. You will need it. Even very powerful and lucky newbies need two to three years in order to find employment in a guild." -Examiner 

Oh! Should I have taken Miruliru's offer to join her society? This sounds very harsh! 

"So what about that test for my divinity?" I ask with a curious voice. This didn't take long at all. 

"That's five hundred GP to take it at the next big examination please. Nine hundred If you want to take it immediately!" -Examiner 

"That's stealing! You Chimerans are money grubbers!" I have to call out at that price! They give you money, just to take it back immediately! 

"Hahaha! I will pay for you Sharid. Buy yourself something nice with the rest of the money. It should be enough for some decent equipment if you search for the cheap stores." Seria waves a crystal at the examiner. 

"Y... You can't do that! How will I pay you back!?" I can't take money! 

"No problem! No problem! Actually I am filthy rich! Those are peanuts to me! I am aiming for a position in the government." Seria waves at me while the examiner pushes a big stash of papers into my hands. 

"Answer those questions completely truthful! If you lie and the examination fails.... NO MONEY RETURNED!" -Examiner 



Half an hour later I am done and wait with Seria before the examiners test. "Kuh! That felt more like a psychological test than anything else." 

"It is a psychological test!" Examiner answers while ticking off some things on my papers. "And finally! We are done! Welcome in the ranks of gods! Sharid, goddess of lust, ~masochism~ and ~sadism~!" 

"OOOooohh! Three divinities! Like my brother! You are very gifted Sharid. Three divinities are rare!" Seria pats my back. 

"Waaait! Whyyyy! I am neither of those! Something is definitely wrong here!" I make a denying gesture at the examiner. 

"I am good at my job! I don't make mistakes!" -Examiner 

"Then how? I am not like that!" There has to be a mistake. 

"Your divinities are strongly influenced by your mental state at the moment right before your ascension. If I could take a look at your memories, I could explain it to you." -Examiner 

"Uum! That's a little..." Can I do that? 

"I won't look at anything else. Just the moment you show me." -Examiner 

I nod and the examiner grabs my hands. A few moments later she lets go. 

"Hmm. Very interesting. You remember when you crushed that ork's brain? You felt lust and satisfaction by hurting those orks. It turned you on in a sexual way!" -Examiner 

"Urgh! I don't want to believe it! Then why masochism!" -Me 

"Because you decided to stop the rest of the orks at the cost of your own life-power. You continued to hurt yourself while doing the thing you love the most and that's singing. You felt the pleasure of singing and the pain of losing your life at the same time." The examiner gives me a dirty smirk. 

I drop to my knees while Seria pats my back. "It will work out! You actually have the best matching set of divinities I have ever seen. HahaHAHAHAAHAHA!" 

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