
spill your blood

I twisted the doorknob and bumped into the door several times before it opened. This room is so big and dark. The wallpapers are so damped and walls are scribbled. The wood floor is hard and old. It made a hallow sound as I walked, whole room even the stair case vibrated with same sound. I jerked the carpet off from the floor. But I couldn't see anything except the plain floor which made me disappointed. I almost felt like I am going to break down the anxiety building up in my heart. But then I saw a small glass slide guarding the door.

Spill your blood

Be as fast as a scud

With no awaits.

After a lot of struggle to open the door. The found the bunch of parchments. The only readable lines I found are to depressing. For some reason It felt dangerous. I could not read other six lines and I will never know what is waiting for me inside. But my instinct says that it will be fine. I spilled my blood on small glass slide and door creaked open. The hysteric smell filled the room. Room fills with dust as thick as fog as I entered the pit with shaking limbs. The darkness inside the pit made me so scared that I wanted to run out as fast as possible. But I must go. Deep down in my heart I felt that this is my responsibility to go.

"Be as fast as a scud" the second line made sense now. The tunnels are straight and floor is so week that it may collapse at any moment. It can barely bare my weight. As I run I got to realize that I cant use the same way again.

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