
Rest and Business 7

"Mom, I made a decision after thinking about it a lot and what would be better for me in the future, I will leave university after the end of this semester and I will enter the NBA draft, this year I want to become a professional."

Jake said directly what the subject was without making many laps on the subject and it surprised Eva, she knew that Jake was doing very well at the university and was close to breaking a record with his team.

From what Eva had seen on television, Jake had a real chance of breaking almost all individual performance records if he stays 4 years at the university, besides, Eva knew that Jake didn't need money because he had sponsors so she thought he would be more two years at the university.

But hearing that Jake had already thought about it a lot and had already made a decision Eva understood that there must be a reason why Jake decided to do this, she knew that Jake had gone to university mainly because she had asked for it.
