
Chapter 2 True start

I walk around the shop checkin out the clothes they have. Most of them seem plain and colorles. This one is not good enough, this on is too grey and this dress is made out of jeans. -_- Why?!

Then i finally see it. Amazing red dress. It has rope going around the waist and short sleeves. Such a bright red color it has <3. This is it! Classical red dress for me. It costs only 15€. So cheap!

I also need some matching hair decoration with it.

I look around and find a red ribbon hair clip thingy, that seems to have very similar shade of red. Exellent!

I go and throw my money at the disk. Well actually i place it carefully over there. After paying i walk back home.

At home my sister walks by and I happily show her what I bought. Sister says:"That is very unlike you",

and I reply: "Yup! I'm like a new person now!". Then i ask her:" Do you think if it is proper to wear something like this to school tomorrow?" and she says:"of course! No one actually cares what you are wearing anyway". Her pessimistic view kinda takes the fun out of this.

I go looking for black pants to wear with the dress tomorrow. Something slim would fit. Then my sister says with disgusted face:"You're not actually planning on wearin pants with dress are you?!". I stare at her for a while in shock and then reply:"Yes.". She walks away and mutters to herself: "My little sister is a disapointment...".

I don't get it! What is so bad about wearing pants with dress. It would not be proper at all to go to school without pants so I stick with my decision.

Next on my list of things to do is: I should find ways to fix my face a bit.

Next chapter