
The gender-reveal party (5)

Noah wanted to say to his Mistress (aka Sarah) that she is too forgiving, but if she is not, he would meet his end in the Black and White nightclub in Austin three years ago. Sarah didn't only forgive him, but she gave him a chance to prove himself and to become her right hand in managing thousands of soldiers who are all looking at him in awe because they all respect their Goddess Nyx.

Noah wondered, what would those soldiers think of him if they knew that four years ago at Jeff's birthday party he intended to put his hands on Sarah without her consent? Of course, he got a beating, but that does not mean that his intentions were good. And then again, at the wedding at the Golden Ocean Resort, Noah was part of the plot to separate Aiden and Sarah that included Madison, Liam, and many others. Sure, Noah didn't do anything directly to push that plan along, but he didn't do anything to stop it either. And Sarah knew about it, yet she still gave him a chance.
