
Christopher (1)

~ Kansas City ~

In a large two-story apartment Christopher is sitting and staring blankly at the huge flat TV screen which is set on the news channel.

The carryout boxes, some with leftover food in them are spread over the glass table, and napkins and wrappers from junk food are all over the floor. The smell is a giveaway that Christopher is cooped up in this apartment for some time, without ventilating it or disposing of the trash. The dark stain on a luxurious sofa shows that he does not care about cleaning up. Christopher does not seem to see it or smell it. Well maybe he is, but he is not bothered by it.

Christopher read on the social media two days ago how Samara White praised her cousin, Jeffrey White for stepping in and helping her deal with the family emergency.

He thought that Samara is doing some stunt to get attention, but the next day he saw on the TV reporters following her when she exited from one restaurant…

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