
Talk to Aaron (2)

Aaron was thinking that if Aiden went to such lengths in order not to sleep with Madison, then he must treasure Sarah and their relationship. But Thomas said that the drug is very potent…

"If he didn't sleep with her, then how…?" Aaron remembered that Sarah said how she found Aiden. He also knows that if they went to the hospital, this whole thing would blow up. And even if Whites suppress official news, there will always be rumors. Lack of rumors means that it was handled silently.

Suddenly, Aaron realized... "I am very sorry. I didn't know that they are planning anything like that. Thomas told us what Madison did after it happened. I never intended for you to get hurt."

Sarah was touched by his words, but no matter how honest he looks, she knows that he is not completely truthful. "I don't think that 'never' is the right word. But I believe that during our walk toward that shed you changed your mind. That is why I'm talking to you now."

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