
Hold it how you hold a woman

JoAnna and Jeff left the beach and he was driving his black Maybach S 650 toward the shooting range.

"Who was taking our photos?" JoAnna finally asked when they were on the highway.

"Probably paparazzi. My men will confirm.", Jeff didn't seem to be in the mood to explain. He didn't want to scare her. She already said that she is an ordinary girl, at least that is how she sees herself and he does not want her to dislike him because he is frequently followed by photographers.

"Do you always have security around?" JoAnna didn't realize that there were people guarding them. Even now when she glanced behind, she could not see any cars following.

"Not always... but yes, when I'm in Los Angeles.", Jeff carefully picked his words, again, doing his best not to overwhelm her.

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