
The Guardian of All Heavens: Revival

"Peace be upon you...Unpeaceful creature!" Replied The Grand Master as he avoided looking directly.

He continued. "Calm down Alkeyder, look closely... It's not the real him."

Alkeyder realized it a second before he was told, he regained his composure.

"Yes, for a moment..."

"Count it as my way of gaining your respect, sir Alkeyder.

I didn't expect you to tremble like that or else i wouldn't have released that much power from up here."

Alkeyder felt a bit disrespected.

"...From up here?

I see, you're still in Saturn!"

"As your master said, this isn't the real me...

I don't know if you forgot but I have wings bigger than this room. This body is just that of a low servant of mine, I used it and shaped it to look almost like me.

After all, even if i would want to come myself it would be a great pain to break Solomon's spell."

'That's right, I completely forgot about it...'Alkeyder said in his mind.

Azazel. "You forgot because you didn't have enough time to defeat your sudden fear.

Anyways, you're probably wondering why I came here, right?"

He directs the question to the Grand Master.

"Obviously. But I am not really interested in whatever you'll be saying."The latter replies.

Azazel smiles. "Don't be rude, that is not a trait that the last prophet alive should have!

I came here, to actually....

*Azazel's face changed from playful to serious, even showing some sadness and grief!*

I realize that Atlanteans have bounced back stronger from the last war we had, you got significantly more organized and equipped.

Ofcourse with the last generation, the addition of Herald Eniyass especially!

It will be tougher for us demons this time, there's no doubt.

You'll certainly be able to kill two or three princes this time..


You'll lose."

Alkeyder. "What are you getting at, do you think we will expect you to say we'll win?"

Azazel speaks even more seriously.

"Your wisdom is your greatest attribute, do not take it away in my presence.

You may not believe me, but your powers are still not enough.

This time you're fighting against yourselves as well.

My sons are more capable of evil than I am, they have never known what it is to be good.

Ofcourse it's all because of me, I raised them that way". He grins in regret...

Here, I'll leave this in your hands.

These papers contain some top secret plans of the MK Project that no one knows yet except the Archdemons.

Do with them as you please. This isn't exactly what can turn tables in your favors, but if you played a perfect game.

You might have a chance."

The Grand Master.

"I've lived thousands of years, fighting everything you stood for...

I never imagined the day you'll be here, helping us?

I surfed 25793 possible fate lines, none of them led to this...

What's this sudden change of heart?

Or is it that...

That the heart of Azazel came back?!!"

Azazel turned his back, and said.

"You can say that, it was reborn for a moment...for this little moment i used to be here with you.

This is as far as I can do, seconds from now I'll return being who I had to be...

Not Azazel...

BUT SATAN!!!!!!!!"

He looked back towards them both, with a look so terrifying. It made them sink in the ground they stood on!!!

Then, Azazel left.

The body of the low servant he used stayed, and he regained his consciousness.

Only to get burned by Alkeyder, who grabs him from the head and turns him into ashes with one of his infinite spells!!

The two gazed at each other without knowing what to make of what just happened.

So unexpected, so surreal, so terrifying!!

More than 500 hundred years was probably enough for them to forget how much he is powerful.

But now, they were reminded.

Even having flashbacks of the past. Of the times he killed their comarades like it was nothing to him!

Alkeyder breaks the silence.

"...Let me check it closely, I'll give you a detailed report about it by tomorrow morning.

Then we'll head towards the Central Palace."

The Geezer hands him the dark papers, without saying a word.

When he was left alone. He stood up right in front of the window...Then said.

"Even when I knew about it, I wasn't ready enough.

He's right.

If he was to take part in the next war, I doubt we'll be victoruous...And my prophecies, all what i prepared for in my lifetime will turn out to be wrong.

Maybe his arrival is part of these prophecies.

Or maybe...


I know exactly what it is..."

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