
Old friend?

As Ryouta leaves for school Rikao complains to her mother "mom why can't I go to the same school as Ryouta-Kun"

Kinue just laughs as she looks at the direction Ryouta ran and says "Ryou school is 2 hours by train from here and he runs it every day. So you'd have to leave 2 hours earlier to make it. to class."

Kuzuha then added "Besides then you will be graduating next year"

Chinatsu then asks "Do you know where big brother will go to middle school?"

Inari then responded "Yeah big brother told me he is going to...."

All three elder sisters went closer to Inari to learn where he was going to school at. The three mothers just laughed well two of them did.,


Ryouta who was running saw two girls. One was a girl he met when he was coming on his trip. he had to take a transfer flight from England to Hong Kong to Japan. On the flight, it was attacked by a gunman. he wanted to kill a writer named Nenene Sumiregawa. She came flying in the air on paper...and rescued her with her sisters. However, they ended up causing more damages to the plain than intended and almost crashed the plane. he had to use his chi to prevent the plane from damaging the airport.

Her name is Anita King. Anita is a short pink haired girl. Shes kind of bratty and self-important but is always fun. she and her sisters are Papermaster.

The girl next to her is Amu Hinamori. She also has short layered pink hair, a portion of which is styled into a ponytail with a red hair clip. She also has golden eyes. Ryouta never saw her before.

Ryouta sneaks up on Anita and says "boo" scaring Anita

Anita had a pissed off look on her face "what's your problem huh" She sees a tall handsome guy.

and smiles "Ryouta is that you..."She then punches him in the stomach "That scared me you jerk"

Ryouta, of course, allowed her to attack and pretended to be in pain "ouch girl, I just was happy to see you. You looked so cute I was so happy to see you again." he received another punched from her.

"Don't call me cute. " she glared at him

Ryouta laughed. Amu looked him with interest but was trying to act cool and said "You're making a to much noise here. flirt somewhere else" she begins to walk faster towards the school

That's when Mari appeared and with a smile that wasn't a smile said "wow it's so early and you're flirting with a girl. I see winning that shogi match made you have a high head. "Mari said and went to the school Ryouta said bye to Anita and ran after her trying to calm her down "Mari it's not like that. "

As he ran Anita laughed "that's what you get! I hope she dumps you"

It took a while for Mari to forgive him. then homeroom started.

Mari made Ryouta stay up in class for once and he notices "You know I've been wondering who all these people are.

Mari was shocked "They're your classmates and you don't know them"

He scratches his head and says "I know you and Ai but thats all in this classroom. Why do we have less people in it."

She looked at him like he was an idiot but realized Ryouta was one. "Were in the elite class. Usually, we have the best grades or special in some way" She looks at him

Ryouta was confused "in what way"

She tried to avoid eye contact and said "in case they need extra help. This class is small and is the perfect class for that. Usually, the parents pay extra for this service...well your rich so you didn't realize."

Then suddenly a teacher came in. Ryouta was going to ask Mari who he was but she would get pissed so he kept his mouth shut

The man walked in and said "Good morning everyone I am your new teacher. Your previous teacher is on maternity leave so I will be in charge of you for the rest of the semester. You can call me Mr. Takeuchi " he then looks at everyone and says "I have some people I would like you to meet. this is Amu Hinamori. She just said something really cool and everyone loved her then there was Anita King who was shy about her introduction asking to be only called by her first name.

After that, the day went on as normal. Is what he would like to say but her elder sister Michelle Cheung snuck up to the school to see how her sister was doing. The teachers didn't even say anything! She's tall with long blonde hair and huge chest and ass...Ai just said "isn't that the same for you? Your tall blond with perfect abs" Ryouta had no words to deny that.

Ryouta told Mari that he was leaving today to go see his masters for a week and she told him first he must get rid of all that extra hair. Saying he looked better with shorter hair. So after school, Ryouta went to a Hairdresser to get his hair done. However, Mari couldn't join him due to her brother called telling her to come home early.

Ryouta went to a hairdresser Mari told him about. As he enters he saw a cute girl getting a haircut and the hairdresser told him to wait a moment then she'll get to him. It was a nice atmosphere then a mother came in complaining about the hair she gave her daughter and Ryouta just looked at the daughter's hair and thought 'I like the hair through'

After that awkward interactions, Ryouta got his haircut and went to his dojo. He did call his mother telling her he was going to be training with his masters for a week.

***Rikuo POV***

Rikuo is face to face with his grandfather and asked"Grandpa I want to know, Do I have a brother"

His response was "I don't have any other grandsons other than you"

Rikuo calmed down and wondered who that Ryouta was and put it in the back of his mind


a person who has telekinetic control over paper and objects that contain paper. The ability is genetic. Papermaster can also nullify each other's abilities; a stronger Papermaster can turn his opponent's paper into his/her own weapon. Skill varies with the person and with varying strength and success. They are also able to make clothes animals however it requires more control.

The Paper Sisters require large amounts of real paper. Anita King requires a thick book to block bullets. Maggie Mui's large creations can be easily destroyed by damage. Michelle Cheung requires multiple arrows to severely wound an enemy wearing body armor

I was having trouble posting chapters. I kept getting signed out.

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