
Gray hair Pirates

Chigiri Sea...

Looking at the ship that is approaching the fishing boat Kazuna and everyone prepared themselves for a battle against the unknown enemies who might be using some unknown jutsu to seal their chakra and presence so they can't detect them.

"Sensei I think it is honestly empty or an abandoned ship . " said Izumi with a serious face while keeping her eyes on the boat as her Sharingan is keeping a constant watch on the ship without letting a small detail escape her sight.

"No as shinobies we shouldn't conclude anything till we are completely sure besides a ship as good as this one will never be abandoned by anyone. " shaking his head Shikaku says with a serious face.

"What if the passengers were abducted or went missing as we got informed in our mission? " Hana asks with a serious face.

"Then we need to find any clues and follow them. " Shikaku said with a nod.

"It's about to clash with our ship. " Izumi announced with a serious face as Shikaku gives an order "Hana and Kazuna stay on the boat while I will go with Izumi and look for information. " Shikaku said with a serious face before using the body flicker to move to the empty ship with Izumi following behind.

After a while, Shikaku and Izumi return to the fishing boat with a serious face as Kazuna asks "Did you discover anything? "

"No even with my Sharingan we weren't able to find anything noteworthy. " shaking her head in Izumi says in denial.

"How about anything related to anyone who was on this ship before? " asks Hana with a curious face.

"Actually from the conditions of the ship we concluded there was someone on the ship a few hours ago, however, we weren't able to understand how and where they left? " Shikaku said with deep thought.

" Can it be related to our mission? "Kazuna asks with a serious face.

"I am not so sure however there is a possibility but we didn't find any signs of struggling on the ship as if they went missing suddenly. " Shikaku said as he looks at the suspicious ship.

"What if the passengers were abducted from the sky? " Kazuna said with a smile as he points at the sky as everyone looks up when Shikaku said "Yea that is a possibility and we can conclude someone who can fly or someone who has a flying ship or huge burd is abducting these people who are going missing. "

As they didn't have a proper answer about the ghost ship the team decided to bind the fishing boat to the ghost ship before going to the ship as it has a better control system and continues their mission.

Finally, after a few hours, Kakuzu's guarding time ended as he went to sleep after asking Hana to take his place.

Hana who was half asleep fell in a deep sleep not long after Kazuna left her to guard when it was a few hours away from the morning.

"Finally. " a few minutes after Hana fell in a sleep a bird flew over the ship before landing on the seawater a few kilometers away from the ghost ship as a man with gray hair pulls his head from the water and the bird lands on his head for him to say in satisfaction.

"Captain is it time to take action? " asks a man with a scar on his face after getting signals from the gray-haired old man. 

"Yes sleeping gas has finally taken effect. " said the gray-haired man with a smile as they started moving slowly towards the ship by swimming on the sea surface.

Arriving at the ship the group of pirates slowly went onboard the ship without making any sound that can awake the sleeping clowns in the ship and they can just capture them easily. 

"Jun do not touch the bitches before we tie the baskets because once we make sure they are unable to move we won't be too late for playing with the bitches as much as we want. " said captain Gray with a chuckle as he stops the rest of his teammates from assaulting Hana and Izumi.

"I know that. " the man who has a scare on his face said with a smile as the group surrounded the clowns who call them Shinobi before tying them with ropes.

"Now it's time we wake them and have fun," said Captain Gray with a smile looking at the bitches and the two slaves who will be paid well in the black market.

"Oglu splashes some water and wakes them quickly. " said Jun with a laugh as he imagined how he would enjoy having the bitches under him for a while.

"Yes, vice-captain Jun. " said a man who has one less finger in his right hand.

After waking up with the sudden splash of water Kazuna looks at the 20 or so middle-aged man in fear as he is too afraid to say anything as he looks at them.

"Who are you? " asks Shikaku with a serious face as he looks at the pirates.

"What do you want? " Hana asks in fear as she struggled to free herself.

"Don't come close to me? " Izumi shouts in fear as she tried to get away from the pirates.

"No one can escape from the Gray Pirates of the Chigiri sea. " said Captain Gray as a sea bird lands on his shoulder.

"Captain I am going to enjoy the one with dark hair if you don't mind. " said Jun as he held Izumi by the hair before walking into a cabin as she screams in despair "Let go of me you beast. "

"Captain can you let us have fun with the other one first. "  said some of the strong men with lust as they look at Hana.

"Just don't do too much damage to them. " said Captain Gray with a chuckle when Jun walks out of the cabin as Captain Gray asks with a smile " You are done so soon and you still dare calling yourself a man when we hadn't hard the batch scream once.  "

"You don't know anything. " said Jun as he takes his sword out of its cover before stunning Oglu from the back as Captain Gray asks in anger "What the hell do you think you are doing Jun you basted. "

"I am doing what I should have done a long ago. " after killing Oglu Jun clinched toward another pirate before cutting the head as the body-slammed to the ground before falling on the floor and going after another one.

"Damn bastard. " said Gray as he and other pirates attacked Jun in anger.

After a few minutes, only 3 among the 20 pirates left and they had already lost the ability to move when Hana asked with a smile "Are we done now Sensei? "

"It was quite enjoyable watching the evil pirates fighting among themselves. " Kazuna said with a chuckle. 

"You can come out now Izumi. " said Shikaku with a smile as he looked at the cabin inside which Izumi was taken a while ago.

"I hadn't thought it will really work. " Izumi said with a smile as she came out with her shining red eyes.

"What can I expect from them? "

What do you the end of the pirates should be?

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts