
226. When someone is dumb beyond repair

As he all proudly announced his existence and all about him, the room went silent. In his arrogance, he didn't notice the strangeness. He started explaining where he came from, about his life and when he mentioned Warrior Sect everyone turned their eyes towards Isaa and Kendra.

They just shook their head. ''We knew he was dumb, but we had no idea how dumb until we brought them here.''

With those words they sighed in relief, it seems they just brought him for short while, not to stay. So they just calmly, if not even indifferently stared at the man that rumbled about his greatness and success. On the end, he started talking about their ideas. Some of them he just messed up making them shake their heads while other things like powers he had another standpoint that made the whole guild just relaxed. 

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