
Chapter 399b

Returning back to China


The rest of the days of Shin Jiao and his group was uneventful as they just enjoyed their stay in the US and going to places to visit and take pictures. Park Jiyong left ahead of them and decided to quickly finish his plans so that he can work with NXT Element Company on his game project.

Meanwhile, Central reported that the company's growth has continued to skyrocket.

The return date of the three is already set as their work in the US is already over. In those 2 weeks of work and vacation, Shin Jiao was able to get the data he needed to finish the medical program for the virtual world.

9 pm, the night before their flight schedule

Shin Jiao, Shi Anne Li, and Susan Tang are happily discussing their day as their hotel room is full of laughter while the three looks at the pictures they took. Shin Jiao had indulged and pampered the two women on what they wanted to do and this made him happy.

Next chapter