

I still sat by the door with my back against it. I just came back to reality after rethinking the past. We have consistently urged Vincent to marry a woman since he started getting taller and looking older. The maids talked about trying to marry Vincent, and it bugged me. They would always yell at me if I looked at him a certain way and glared at me when I pulled him close. Lately, the maids have been ripping us apart from each other. We no longer sleep in the same bed, dress, read, or play together. We can only talk at dinner, and sometimes he will come to my room to talk to me alone. I hated being separated from him, but... he wanted to do what his father told him to. He wants to keep his promise, so he is. I can't be mad at him for following his word.

After I saw the time, I was almost late for dinner. I went to the bathroom to prepare myself and then went downstairs to the dining hall. I sat down next to Vincent, who gave me a worried look. I cleaned myself up; I looked normal, yet he saw right through me and knew I was crying. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I kept my head down, looked at my food, and ate. The table was quiet, and no one dared to make any noises or start a conversation. I slowly picked at my food, not starving. I could feel Vincent staring at me, but I didn't look back. I finally looked over at him after hearing his chair push back against the wooden floor, making a loud sound. Vincent came up to me and pulled me closer to him. He buried his face in my neck. "Why are you avoiding me..? Why were you crying..?" he asked in a soft yet deep voice.

I sighed softly and laid my head on his chest. "I'm still... sad, Vincent... I don't think you understand what love is to a human, to me.." I pulled away to look at him. "I do lo-" before I could finish, a maid grabbed my hand. "Mr. Sky! there is something wrong with the basement lights! Can you be a dear and fix them, please?" the short maid with long blonde hair and green eyes asked. I nodded softly and turned to look at Vincent but noticed he was talking to another maid. I sighed once more, but more in frustration. I followed behind the maid and went to the old, smelly basement. I pull out a small flashlight that I always carry in my pocket. I opened the fusebox to see some wires cut. "Someone must have cut them, or a mouse ate through the wire," I said to the maid, but when I looked over, she was gone. I knew it. They purposely cut the wire to get me away from Vincent... At least, that's what I assumed. I started working on the broken wire, but when I was trying to focus on fixing the wire, the vampire kept coming back to my mind. My hands were shaking while trying to stay still to fix the cables.

Suddenly the power wire sparked, and some fire came out, burning the skin on my hand. I held in my scream by biting my tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to think of something besides the pain in my hand.

[3rd person]

Vincent saw the lights flicker throughout the mansion and instantly felt something was wrong. He walked to the basement door to be blocked by two maids. "Oh, young master. It would be best if you didn't go down here; it could ruin your wonderful clothing. It also sticks and would make you sick to your stomach knowing your powerful sense of smell," they said.

[Back To Sky]

I looked around the area for bandages but found none. I knew how to care for my wounds because I get hurt a lot because of my job in the mansion. I also love making new things which can cause me to get injuries. I held my hand close to my chest and hiked up the basement stairs. I used my other hand to open the door. It opened a little before shutting quickly. I was confused and wondered why the gate had just closed on me. I tried to push the door open again, but it was stuck entirely "great.. another thing I have to fix around here" I walked back down the stairs to find something to break the door down. Luckily I found an old toolbox with only one tool, a hammer.

I walked back up the stairs and hit the door with the hammer, making a loud noise and maids screaming. I quickly panicked, thinking I had hit someone. Suddenly the door swung open, and there stood Vincent with two maids behind him. "Are you okay!?" Vincent said while giving me a panicked look, "I... I thought they locked the door.. did I hurt someone?" I asked, looking around at the maids, but they seemed fine. "Your hand! What happened? Let me see!" He quickly grabbed my hand, and I cringed, "Ow ow ow... Vincent, I'm fine. Calm down, okay? All I need to do is defect this and wrap it up in a bandage, " I explained. Vincent nodded slowly. "Understood.. Do you need any help?" he asked. I would love to have Vincent by my side, but I knew he was never good with seeing me hurt, my wounds, or me bleeding out. Which is ironic, considering he is a vampire.

"I got it, no worries" I raise my hand to give a thumbs up with a smile. He looked somewhat relieved but still concerned. I then made my way up the stairs and to my room.

I already had a medkit and everything there to fix up my wounds. I laid my hand down and saw how burnt it was; part of my skin was black and bleeding. It hurt like hell, especially when I tried to touch it. I got to work quickly, defecting it and wrapping it up. While doing this, I noticed Vincent peeking into my room and watching. I continued my work, pretending I didn't see him. I could tell that he was hungry, probably because of the blood on my hand. After I finished wrapping my hand, I turned towards the door. The door shut quickly, and I gave a small chuckle. "I could see you, ya know."

"How long have you been able to see me..?" he asked. "Since you finished looking," I replied. He sighed softly and strolled in like a child about to get punished. He had his head down and looked guilty. "What is it, Vincent..?" I slowly walked to him. "Um.. well.." he rubbed the back of his neck, and he was blushing! It was so cute. "I-I wanted to know how y-your hand was.." he said with an innocent smile. I chuckled some more "It's doing okay," I raised my wrapped hand to him. "See, I told you it was fine," I smiled. Vincent gently pulled me closer into a tight hug "...Sky..." he whispered, which gave me chills throughout my spine. Vincent smiled.

"You smell.. wonderful.." he continued. "And.. your so small.. you act so strong, but.. your so weak and fragile.. such a fragile human.." he buried his face into my neck. "I'm hungry, Sky... I want you. I want you so bad.. but I'm afraid to take too much. I can't lose you.. what would I do without you? If you die... I want to die with you.." he told me. I wrapped my arms around him, being careful with my hand. "I would love to die with you, Vincent, but I don't want you to die with me. You lived so long without me and became such a well-mannered man. You'll get a wife, a child, and a new life. You'll be happy, and that's what I'm excited to see. And... Vincent... if you are hungry, take some. I'll be fine, I promise. I won't go that fast. Humans are fragile compared to vampires, but my will is powerful. Just like my love for you," I chuckle lightly as I rub his back softly.

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