

---Outside the Classroom---

"Hello Yuqi. I am Masahiko Hisashi. I saw you in the school fest.",he said.

"Oh I see. So why did you want to see me?",she asked.

"Well... I don't know how to say this but in simple terms, but during the school fest you really stood out. Your smile is very pretty. I think I like you from then. Would you date me if I asked you to?",he asked with a charming smile and the question seemed sincere.

"This is extremely out of the blue. I need some time. Besides I have never known you personally. It is not easy to give an answer immediately.",she said calmly.

"Have all the time you want. You said you don't know me personally right? I will come everyday in the break time. I hope you would say yes to this. Bring your lunch along. Lets have lunch together and talk. I will go now.",he said happily.

"Hmm... Bye",she replied shyly.

As she entered the classroom, her mind ran wild. The most popular guy in school proposed to her. She admits the fact that she is not yet over Sosuke yet at least completely over but maybe 70% ? Not to mention her mom had also told her that she should give another guy a chance. If that guy is Masahiko Hisashi...WHY NOT! Yuqi's heart just did not want to stop beating fast.

"What happened? What did he want?",Hotaru asked with excitement.

"He asked me out. Masahiko Hisashi, asked me out. Can you believe it Hotaru! Hasty asked me out!!",Yuqi said. Her tone kept on changing.

"Oh goodness Yuqi! He asked you out! I am so happy for you! You didn't say no did you?",suddenly Hotaru was concerned.

"No, I didn't say a no! I told him I need time and he said that during break time he will be waiting for me outside.",she replied.


How do you think Sosuke reacts to this?

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