
The Game

"Mi'lord," a voice boomed from her supposed savior. "It's a half-elf." The man wore black leathers and an stitched overcoat. He didn't look wealthy, but with the scars on his face, he was definitely a veteran warrior.

Hope was reigning within her emerald hues which began to glow slightly, but the smile which was about to form was curbed by the next choice of words.

"Shall I dispose of it?" Her eyes traced over the man several times after he said this. His greasy raven black hair, medium length beard and sinister violet-red eyes. Her mouth was agape once more.

Slowly turning her head to look back at the water as her appendages just hung there, her eyes stared at her reflection. Then they paused for a few moments, stared. Wait, this isn't me, the girl would think to herself as she stared at the small bust which barely registered, and seeing the absence of a third leg made them made a sore expression. The fear that had been seen by the men on the girl's body language and expressions had faded.

Turning her head slightly as she would look at the man again, his face would be highlighted as she focused on him. His name, Gel of Yemmick, would appear with his age of thirty-eight would appear beside the box. Her eyes then travelled over towards the man he was referring to.

Upon the back of a grey-brown donkey with a muddled coat, was a man wearing gold and purple robes. What looked like a Gold and Purple circlet decorated his forehead. His eyes narrowed upon the elf, though not necessarily her face.

The girl had a youthful babyface, her body rectangular in build and she lacked extensive curves other than the gentle muscles which had tightened due to the extreme cold. She could be seen as beautiful by any standard, especially since Elves appeared youthful for the majority of their life span, envied for their longevity.

"What is your name, short ear?" The blond haired, blue eyed man wearing purple and gold, asked with a tone of superiority, though it sounded as if he didn't even want to hear her.

My name…? The girl's eyes narrowed on him, his name appearing as Prince Sven Aladohn of the Aladohn Dynasty. This is familiar… Where have I seen this surname name before, and the way he dresses. The girl's eyes wandered back towards the man which was licking chops, looking at her.

That was when a status window showed up, the word character spelled out at the top of the new screen. It listed the name and attributes. Oddly enough, it listed the very name of her main character known as Anno, a half-elf girl, with a manufactured backstory which blended into the lore of the game.

Clearing her throat, she felt the sting. When she tried to talk, her voice cut out way too much as if she had a hard time breathing. Coughing a few times, she began looking over her status, before going wide eyed.

[ Name: Anno Seo

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf, of Demon Lord Lineage ( +Additional SP ).

Lvl: 1

EXP: 0/1000

HP 100/500

MP 100/750 ]

While everything regarding her main status meaning her level and experience, it seemed that it had gone way down. The last status she remembered was being around level 300, the next level cap was suppose to come in the next patch. How was this possible?

Her gaze wandered around the HUB, opening the settings button to find that many of the settings regarding perception and sense of pain had been greyed out.

Clearly as the grip of the man holding her by the nape of her neck was causing pain, she stared at the greyed out pain bar which was at the default setting, while perception and her other aspects of the five senses were maximized.

"You going to answer you little runt?" Gel demanded before blinking a few times as her emerald orbs narrowed on the Prince, but she was just opening another screen.

The Skills window opened and revealed that all the skills she had prior were also greyed out, but they weren't gone. The only one that wasn't greyed out was the native language skill which was maximized. Though she never remembered getting this skill at all. A puzzled look becoming her expression.

"YOU DARE LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE PRIN–" He was cut off when the Prince made a light whistle sound, getting Gel's attention.

"I shall show you how to dispose of this elf, my Little Gel," huffed the Prince as he began to charge what looked like a fire spell. Several red pentagonal magic circles appeared in front of the finger which was pointed at the half-elf.

Following this action, the girl's body was immediately engulfed in white light, which would shed from her skin within seconds of appearing, creating foam in the water at Gel's feet.

[ 5,500 EXPgained from Witnessing the Spell Fire Ball for the First Time. ]

[ You are now Level 6. This Advisor bestows 45 skill points upon his Lord. ]

[ Titles Gained: Fire Elementalist, Seeker of Magic, Flame Seer, Fire Master. ]

After feeling rather refreshed and completely healed from the ordeal. The pain from the salty air which had plagued her throat, was now gone. She could speak. The wide smile which came across her face, as she completely ignored the Prince seemed to make Gel rather nervous. Her status window would then appear

[ Name: Anno Seo

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf, of Demon Lord Lineage ( +Additional SP ).

Lvl: 6

EXP: 1500/6000

HP 750/750

MP 950/950 ]

This brought some nostalgia to the girl. In the beginning of the original game, people could easily level up as they learned new skills or witnessed magic being cast. There was no PVP system as the whole game was story and co-op oriented.

"What the hell just happened?" The two men questioned in unison, not really knowing what that flesh of light was, nor why all of a sudden the girl seemed stronger than she was just moments ago.

Pursing his lips, the Prince figured it had something to do with him casting magic. However he was curious of what happened. Stopping his spell, he tried casting it again. However nothing happened, which was rather disappointing, but that didn't deter the prince from wanting to begin experimenting.

Placing a finger beneath his chin, he ceased the spell. "Gel. Wrap up the mute. We'll find out what she is soon enough…" He said, cracking a grin across his inquisitive face.

Now she remembered who the Prince was, or at least who he was related to. Looking towards the map within the layer of her vision, she pursed her lips. The date had changed from what the date was in the game. It was at least four hundred years later. So this was a handful of generations from the game that she remembered.

The white lines would focus on the Prince once more as she focused on him, his level was twice her own. He wasn't very strong, but at least he wasn't a King.

Just as Gel was about to wrap her up in what looked to be some sort of carpet after walking onto the beach. So just as he was about to pick up this carpet, she spread her fingers as she curled them slightly forming what looked like a paw-like open fist. Jabbing her knuckles into his jaw, a clear clicking sound could be heard as she dislocated his jaw with a single punch.

Of course her fingers were now red, in pain, but he dropped her in reflex and sent her tumbling onto the sand. Getting to her feet, her full set of assets were in complete view.

Chapter 2! What do you think so far?!

InkSavantcreators' thoughts