

and here we are the surprise..... the thing is after I get home from the incident with Daichi, Teppie and Hana, god call me in my dream.

so it's go like this : I was in my room wondering about Captain earth when something suddenly hits "wait if there're Daichi and Teppie then there should be Livlaster.... so am I going to get like a Livlaster or something !!!!?" I thought getting excited like really excited " but wait I used my wishes already. damn it, I should've wish for a Livlaster too. god should give me one more wish, so stinky."

god " hey you, I heard that. "

" huh.... god where you at !!!? " I said looking around " where are you ?" still couldn't find anyone.

god " relax, I we are in your dream right now."

still only his voice.

"so, what do you want..?" I asked

god " what!!? I can't even come and say Hi...? you. Even called me stinky, you're so mean and here I was about to give you a gift...sob...sob.... you meanie...sob" he said and I here sobbing sounds.

I sweatdroped "how old are you!?, wait a gift if it is what I think it is...?" I thought" nonono you got it wrong!!! I want to say you are The most generous god ever..... and of course you can come and say Hi....hahahaah."I said in a hurry I don't care if you say I'm a bootlicker or whatever, but I want The cool lasergun.... I'll do anything.

" really..?" god stop sobbing.

" un un really really..." I nob really fast.

" huhum I'm awesome like that..... hahaha... price me more." he said which sounds like he has a huge grin and his nose grew longer.

I sweatdroped" it worked...!? really how old are you!!? ". "so what are you going to give me. "

I asked with excitement.

" are you only excited about the gift...? sigh " god sounds a bit hopeless .

"hehehe" I scratched my head.

" okay, I don't have much time here, so I'm going to cut it short. since I've put Captain earth into the mix I'll do something to make you fit in. I'll give you a Livlaster, but all it is just shoot laser and let you do jumps like Daichi did." he said

" ur is that it. no giant robot... and how do I use Livlaster without orgone energy..." I said looking kinda disappointed

" erm hello!! are you an idiot !!? you have your Etherion and chakra that I give you with your wishes. it can be use to substitute for the orgone energy. orgone energy is just a type of energy you know, as long as you have a strong enough energy you can use the Livlaster and you can't I'll just modified it a bit and you'll be ready to go. And about the giant robot..... did you forget about some part of your second wish." he said with a bit of frustration

" ooooh I guess I forget.... hahaha..sorry." I said looking a bit silly

" umm look like the time I have to get going.

you'll get your Livlaster at the same time as Daichi...bye bye."

and I woke up I froze for a bit " I'm going to fight in space and I will be getting my own Livlaster.!!! I wonder what it's design gonna be like hahahaah I'm so excited hahahaha."









and here I am now six years later strolling around the school to get Familiar with it.